![[Translate to Englisch:] What is ISA? aka A European MGB path](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/0/csm_What_is_ISA_-_aka_A_European_MGB_path_07a1a87413.png)
"Nothing is more graceful than habitual chearfulness, which is always founded upon a peculiar relish for all the little pleasures which common occurrences afford.”
Adam Smith (1777). “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”. Dublin, Ireland: J. Beatty and C. Jackson, 32, p.30
Turbulences of the past years have taught us to remain open and flexible towards new opportunities. So, present hurdles can be overcome with great resilience and new doors can be opened with pleasure. That state allows for new collaborations to be explored, such as the one with the University of Bergamo (Italy) and the Adam Smith Business School (Glasgow). A third path, a European version of the Global Business Master program might be the fruit of carefully executed due diligence in July, 2023. All three perspective partners visited each other and gained valuable insights into the infrastructure, student life, and teaching staff. Preparing such agreement to come to life is an exciting and (in this case) a joyful process. All potential partners are looking forward to the next steps to unfold and create “habitual chearfulness” by allowing many future cohorts of students to experience the Master of Global Business on their path in ISA – Italy, Scotland, and Austria. Stay tuned for updates coming in Autumn, 2023.
On LinkedIn – the concluding dinner of Glasgow visit: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marcoventuri051_masterofglobalbusiness-postgraduate-asbs-activity-7087494084071673856-u3S3, opens an external URL in a new window
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