Fascination Jellyfish - Mysterious Beauties

Based on the new book by Michael Stavarič and Michèle Ganser.
A partnership with Helix Projects/Christine Maria Krenn & Leykam Publishers

Drawing Jellyfish
Michèle Ganser

Following the sensational success of "Faszination Krake", once again the Circus of Knowledge will focus on the wonders of the ocean: this time, the mysterious world of jellyfish:
What does a jellyfish have to do with immortality and lowering blood pressure? Why do scientists call it “organized water”? Can jellyfish form states? They have no brain, no heart, no lungs and no bones, how can they still be animals? Exciting questions on the trail of one of the oldest and most dangerous creatures in the sea.

Communicating without speaking, feeling without seeing, procreating without direct contact... In this musical dance theater performance, the young performers try absolute "dehumanization" and conjure up mystical images of Medusas which beauty inspired luminous creations and turned the performers into fashion designers. But they also ask themselves the big question: Are we deceiving ourselves and other living beings?

Direction, choreography, participation: Christine Maria Krenn
Music, composition, piano: Fiona Fiebiger
Actor: Christian Scharrer
Costumes, set design: Tanja Lattner
Sound, editing: Roland Maurer
Lighting design: Andreas Matejka
Technical support: Andreas Berhmani
Featuring: The children & youth ensemble at HELIX projects, Fiona Fiebiger, Christine Maria Krenn, Christian Scharrer.

Suitable for ages 4+



Time & date

July 05, 2023

17:00 - 18:30 PM

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Circus of Knowledge


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz