The Johannes Kepler University Linz is sending two of its most promising student start-up companies to compete in the 2023 Danube Cup.

The Danube Cup is a high-profile pitch contest for student start-up companies located along the Danube River. The goal is to build an international and sustainable network between universities. This year's hosting institutions include the University of Passau, the OTH Regensburg, and the University of Regensburg. A total of 16 start-up teams from eight different universities and four countries will take part, including the two nominees from the JKU.
RESEACHLY - How Artificial Intelligence Helps Companies Make Data-Driven Decisions.
Researchly, an artificial intelligence-based platform, helps companies faced with strategic challenges to make data-driven decisions. Leopold Bosankic came up with the idea for Researchly while working as a consultant, processing several Excel spreadsheets and wondering if there might be a faster, more efficient way to do it. Together with his three co-founding partners, two of whom are currently enrolled in the JKU’s AI Master's degree program, Leopold has been working on advancing his product since 2022.
Click here to learn more about Researchly:, opens an external URL in a new window
MAJOURNY - The Future of Travel Planning is Eco-Friendly, Social, and Smart.
Majourny aims to revolutionize the future of travel planning by creating a travel experience that meets Gen Z's lifestyle needs and priorities. The start-up company created a platform designed to make travel more efficient and more eco-friendly, relying on artificial intelligence and social aspects to build personalized itineraries and recommend sustainable options when traveling. The entrepreneurial team, Fabian, Daniel, and Severin, believes that the travel business needs to shift more towards sustainability while also actively practicing social responsibility.
About the Danube Cup
Experts at the JKU, along with its partner, tech2b, are currently coaching the nominees to help prepare them for the Danube Cup. The coaching sessions are aimed at helping the teams realize their full potential and pinpoint the core of their business concept. As a Danube Cup partner institution, the JKU is part of an international network of start-up friendly universities and colleges that are actively committed to supporting entrepreneurship and innovation.
The semi-finals for the Danube Cup will take place in Passau on May 9-10; the finals will be held in Regensburg on May 11-12.