
Impressions from the EC2U think-tank session at the JKU; photo credit: JKU

EC2U: Resilience Against the Climate Crisis within Cities and Communities

Joining forces to tackle today's crises: The EC2U remains committed to a range of activities to this end.

Tax Talents 2025; Credit: JKU

The JKU “Tax Talent” Initiative

“Tax Talent” was a unique opportunity for select JKU students to learn more about practicing tax law.

AI Factory; Credit: AIAT

AI Factory Austria (AI:AT) Boosts the National AI Ecosystem

A new, large-scale initiative involving the JKU will favorably influence Austria's artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem.

Markus Weninger; photo credit: JKU

“JavaWiz": A New JKU Software Program Simplifies Learning How to Program

Programmers are in high demand – a growing trend that is unlikely to slow in the future.

Cornelia Roschger; Credit: privat

Conducting Research to Benefit Patients

Univ. Prof. Dr. Cornelia Roschger has held a tenure-track professorship position at the JKU since February 1, 2025.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Gruber MBA (Dean of Research), PD DDr. Sabine Altrichter, VR Dr. Mag. Elgin Drda (Dean at the Faculty of Medicine), Univ. Prof. DDr. Hötzenecker MBA (Dean of Research and head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology); photo credit: JKU

“(Um)habilitations” at the JKU Faculty of Medicine

Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented physician PD DDr. Sabine Altrichter with her certificate.

The Library Quad

Fancy an Espresso? Wanted: A Tenant for a JKU Café-Bar

There’s nothing better than a decent cup o’ joe after work or class! Your concept can help make it happen.

F.l.: Janko, Barbara Kammler, Martina Schickmair, Martina Kofler-Schlögl, Bergthaler, Freischlager; photo credit: JKU

Inaugural lectures: Introducing New Professors at the JKU

The JKU's traditional inaugural lectures by new professors at the Faculty of Law took place in March.

Eleni Priglinger; Credit: JKU

Educating the Physicians of Tomorrow

Mag. Dr. Eleni Priglinger is head of a working group at the Experimental Orthopedics and Traumatology at the JKU.