The Institute of Economics has once again awarded publication bonuses in support of successful publications submitted to international peer-reviewed journals.

During 2022, bonuses were presented to the top three publications, along with three runner-up publications. The top three include Karin Mayr-Dorn's paper titled "Adverse Selection, Learning, And Competitive Search" (International Economic Review), Ulrich Glogowsky's paper titled "Detecting and Preventing Cheating in Exams: Evidence from a Field Experiment" (Journal of Human Resources), and Matthias Fahn's paper titled "Present Bias in the Labor Market - When It Pays to be Naïve" (Games and Economic Behavior).
Additional award-winning papers include "The Intergenerational Persistence of Opioid Dependence: Evidence from Administrative Data" by Alex Ahammer und Martin Halla (Health Economics), "Oil Price Shocks and the Hedging Benefit of Airline Investments" by Jochen Güntner (Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control), and "Paying Adolescents For Health Screenings Works" by Martin Hall and Gerald Pruckner (American Journal of Health Economics).
Prof. Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, head of the institute, is pleased with all of the award-winning papers and remarked: "All of these papers are proof that economists can be internationally successful and they also focus on topics of significant importance, particularly in terms of socio-political and economic policy."