“Skin” featuring sensors made at the JKU is now a part of a new exhibition "Arbeit und Produktion" at the Vienna Technical Museum.

Two members at the JKU’s Department of Soft Matter Physics (Dept. Head Univ. Prof. Siegfried Bauer) became electro-dermatologists: David Schiller and Roland Pruckner developed artificial skin featuring special abilities.
The physicists remarked, "We are continuing to develop electronic devices that can increasingly adapt to our needs, turning them into permanent personal assistants.”
We are even beginning to get physically closer to electrical devices and research is being conducted around the world to find suitable materials to create artificial skin. The "E-Skin" developed by JKU researchers can measure moisture, temperature and touch. Data is streamed to a smartphone or a computer via Bluetooth. The electronic skin is flexible and robust and while the material is not currently made entirely out of organic materials, this is expected to change in the near future.