REVIEW: Corporate Financing from the Banking Practice Perspective with RLB OÖ

Presentation and discussion with Mag. Dr. Michael Glaser (Chief Risk Officer at RLB OÖ) titled: "Corporate Financing from the Perspective of Banking Practice".

[Translate to Englisch:] Anna Gappmaier MSc., Assoz. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Dick, Univ. Prof. Dr. Helmut Pernsteiner, Mag. Dr. Michael Glaser, Mag. Dr. Bernhard Bäck, MIM, Mag. Karina Landlinger, Mag. Dr. Anton Lummerstorfer (c) JKU/IBFW

Mag. Dr. Michael Glaser (Chief Risk Officer), Mag. Dr. Bernhard Bäck, MIM (Head of Financing Management Banks & Sovereigns, Institutions, Rating Service & Balance Sheet Analysis) and Mag. Dr. Anton Lummerstorfer (Deputy Head of Institutions) of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG provided insight into banking practices on October 18, 2021. The speakers gave the audience, including students and employees of the JKU, an impression of the role played by customer service, financing management and decision-makers in lending.

In this context, the account manager is considered the first point of contact, professional requirements include an understanding of economic contexts and a great deal of product know-how. The financing management of RLB OÖ uses rating models to assess the credit risk of an individual customer. The advisor in financing management not only has a broad economic knowledge, but also a good understanding of business models, market developments and competitive situations. The speaker prepares the facts for the decision-maker. After the presentation of the roles of the employees involved, Mr. Bäck and Mr. Lummerstorfer showed the process from customer request to loan disbursement by means of a case study.

In the following discussion, Michael Glaser gave interesting insights into the topics and decisions of a risk manager. Michael Glaser studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and also wrote his dissertation there, has since worked in the banking industry and took up the position of Chief Risk Officer (board member) at RLB OÖ in 2018.

Afterwards, RLB OÖ invited to an exchange of ideas over finger food and refreshments.