Welcome to the Office of the Vice-Rectorate at the JKU!

Research, Teaching, Students, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Campus Enhancement, Digitalization and Sustainability and Medicine - Day-to-day operations at the JKU require coordination and expertise.

Supported by the Office of the Rectorate, our Vice-Rectors are the driving force behind the JKU's strategy to move forward with a defined focus. Whether preparing coordinated and well-thought out strategic decisions, or serving at the crossroads of university bodies and other areas, our Vice-Rectors are distinctly positioned to apply their expertise and fulfill the JKU's core values and mission.

Office of the Vice-Rectorate


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Austria


Schloss Auhof


+43 732 2468 0

Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Affairs

Name Position Extension E-mail Address
Sandra Habacher Administration 3399 vizerektor-lehre(at)jku.at
Mag. Julia Sageder-Ziegler, BSc Currently on leave    


Office of the Vice-Recorate of Finance and Entrepreneurship

Name Position Extension E-Mail Address
Michaela Walch BSc BSc MSc Assistant to the Vice-Rector of
Finance and Entrepreneurship
3348 vr-finanzen@jku.at
Mag.a Michaela Öllinger LL.B. Assistant to the Vice-Rector of
Finance and Entrepreneurship
3349 vr-finanzen@jku.at
Dajana Lenhart, BA BEd MA Administration 3340 vr-finanzen@jku.at


Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and International Affairs

Name Position Extension E-Mail Address
Mag. Katharina Ebner

Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs

3045 vizerektorat-forschung(at)jku.at
Astrid Mayr Administration 3384 vizerektorat-forschung(at)jku.at


Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Campus Enhancements, Digitalization and Sustainability

Name Position Extension E-Mail Address
Margit Haider Administration 3315 margit.haider(at)jku.at
Melanie Neundlinger Administration 3314 melanie.neundlinger(at)jku.at


Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Medicine

Name Position Extension E-Mail Address
Elisabeth Wimmer Administration 3378 elisabeth.wimmer@jku.at
Edith Schauberger, B.A. (currently on leave)