Research Infrastructures.

In an effort to create something new, many research areas require the following: equipment, systems, and services. The JKU is here to serve.

Ranging from the smallest device for specialists, a Center for Testing and Measurement and a vacuum evaporation system to time-measurement technology, the JKU not only provides a wide range of equipment and devides to local and international research groups, the university also provides transparency. All of the information is published in the ministry's publicly accessible research infrastucture database, opens an external URL in a new window (Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research, and Economy).
Just click, read, and watch it all take come together and take shape!



  Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research (bmbwf)


  Mapping of the European Research Infrastructure Landscape
Data Archive , opens an external URL in a new window

AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive

Core Facility

Center for Nanoscale Semiconductors

Core Facility


Core Facility

High Frequency (Measurement)Technology

Core Facility

Austrian-Czech RERI-uasb NMR Center

Core Facility

IPPD Polymer Processing and Digital Transformation

Core Facility

ICP Polymer Chemistry

Core Facility , opens an external URL

Supercomputer MACH-2

Large Equipment

Other Large Devices

Computer, Icon