Research News.

F.l.: Nikolaus Doppelhammer (guitar and vocals, Institute of Microelectronics and Microsensors), Karlo Radman (drums, Linz Center of Mechatronics), Bernhard Jakoby (guitar and vocals, Institute of Microelectronics and Microsensors); photo credit: personal

Applied Research: Special Guitar Tone Qualities

How does studying mechatronics impact our everyday lives? A patent for very special electric guitars, for example.

MED Campus; Credit: JKU/Martin Steinkellner

3rd Impact MED Call: Ten Research Proposals Receive Funding

The Faculty of Medicine's MED Impact Call provides innovative research proposals with up to € 50,000 in funding over a two-year period.

Professor Christoph Helm

A JKU Study Reveals 74% of Teachers Support a School Cell Phone Ban

949 teachers responded to an Austrian-wide survey conducted by the öbv in partnership with the JKU's School of Education.

Georg Krammer; Credit: JKU

Why Re-Invent the Wheel? Why We Need Replications

JKU researcher Georg Krammer is advocating for more replications in journals.

F.l.: Florian Krammer (MedUni Vienna), Doris Wilflingseder (Vet Meduni), Otto Doblhoff-Dier (Vice-Rector Vetmeduni), Markus Müller (Rector MedUni Vienna), Austrian Minister Martin Polaschek, Andrea Kurz (Rector MedUni Graz), Stefan Koch (Rector JKU Linz), Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Rector MedUni Innsbruck); photo credit: MedUni Vienna/APA/Schedl

The Ignaz Semmelweis Institute Sets its Focus on Infectious Diseases

The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute opened its doors at the start of 2025.

Helmut Salzer, Professor of Clinical Infectiology; photo credit: JKU

The New Ignaz Semmelweis Institute

The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute will open its doors at the beginning of 2025.