JKU Furniture on Museum Display

The JKU donated furniture by Artur Perotti to the Nordico Museum.

From left: Freischlager, Neiß, Langthaler, Bina; Photo credit: personal
From left: Freischlager, Neiß, Langthaler, Bina; Photo credit: personal

Initiated by Herta Neiß, furnishings from the university's original inventory were presented to the Nordico City Museum in Linz. The pieces had been specially designed for the JKU by architect Artur Perotti (1920-1992).

Alexander Freischlager (JKU Vice-Rector for Campus Enhancements, Digitization & Sustainability), joined Herta Neiß and Ernst Langthaler (Institut für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte), to tour the museum's depot at Tabakfabrik Linz as part of a special tour and see that the objects are given a befitting space at the exhibition. Andrea Bina (museum director) reiterated just how important collecting objects related to Linz is. The director remarked that she is very pleased that the JKU is now also included in the collection.