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Open House at the Department of Mathematics

We are inviting school students ages 16+ to come by our offices during our Open House and take a look from "behind the desks" of our mathematicians!

[Translate to Englisch:] Schüler*innen im Hörsaal

In addition to talking one-on-one with mathematicians at the JKU, school students have an opportunity to discover more about interesting topics on October 16:

  • the versatile and interesting professional career as a mathematician at our university
  • research on specific subjects and their applications,
  • and the various options to study mathematics at the JKU.

To round things off, there will be an opportunity to take part in a campus tour.



Time & date

October 16, 2024

13:00 - 16:00 PM

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JKU Campus


Fachbereich Mathematik