• Welcome to the Institute for Retailing, Sales and Marketing. Vision We consider ourselves as competent contacts for selected questions in the field of innovative marketing and in the areas of research [...]
    • Dr. in Alejandra Avalos Pacheco University Assistant Tenure Track (Data Acquisition & Data Quality) Science Park 2 , opens in new window - Intermediate Storey - Room S2 00XXX +43 732 2468 6826 alejand [...]
      JKU/Institute of Applied Statistics/About/Team
    • Repository for choosen Exams und Exercise Tests Here interested students can find selected old practice tests and lecture exams which they can use to prepare for the course examinations. The content p [...]
      JKU/Institute of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics/Teaching
    • Gianluca Galletti MSc Science Park 3 - Floor 3 - Room 327 +43 732 2468 4489 +43 732 2468 4539 galletti(at)ml.jku.at Research Topics tba
      JKU/Institute for Machine Learning/About us/Team
    • Study
      Clinical traineeship. Are you interested in doing a clinical traineeship at one of Austria's top hospitals? The Kepler University Hospital in Linz offers international students an opportunity to acqui [...]
      JKU/Degree Programs/International Students/Internship at the JKU
    • Welcome to the Institute of Polymer Science. Our focus lies in characterizing polymer materials at various scales! Research topics include flow properties, morphological development (crystallization), [...]
    • Study
      Internship at the JKU. Are you looking for an internship at the JKU or at one of Austria's top hospitals? Below you can find all the information needed for your application. Interested in completing a [...]
      JKU/Degree Programs/International Students
    • Informal Incentives in Labor Markets. This project investigates the influence of informal incentives on the motivation and thus the productivity of employees. The investigations are based on theoretic [...]
      JKU/Department of Economics./Research/Research Projects
    • Publications and Research. Go back to Activities , opens an external URL PhD thesis: in process Publications: Articles in International, Peer-reviewed Journals On Lawson’s Definition of Heterodox Econ [...]
      JKU/Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method/About us
    • The Master's Thesis... ... is comprised of a total of 28 ECTS credits and consists of: the Master's thesis (25 ECTS credits) and the Master's thesis seminar (3 ECTS credits) Admission requirements for [...]
      JKU/Institute of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics/Teaching