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SMART 2025 accepts submission of regular papers, posters and proposals for Mini-Symposia and Special Sessions.

  • Regular papers: Participants, who wish to give a regular presentation at SMART 2025 must submit an abstract by January 17, 2025, and upon acceptance a full paper by March 31, 2025. Full paper submission is mandatory for inclusion of presentation into final program.
  • Posters: Participants, who wish to present their work as a poster rather than a regular presentation should also submit an abstract by January 17, 2025.

Online abstract submission will be possible starting November 1, 2024!


  • Mini-Symposia & Special Sessions: Proposals for Special Sessions (SS) and Mini-Symposia (MS) are accepted until September 30, 2024. Please submit your proposal (title, brief summary, names and affiliations of organizers) to smart2025(at)jku.at.

* A special session contains 6 talks of 20 minutes each, including Q/A.

** A mini-symposium is composed of 2 or 3 sessions.

SMART 2025

July 1-3, 2025, Linz, Austria

smart2025(at)jku.at · www.jku.at/smart2025