Lecture Hall Insights - The JKU Student Podcast Series.

Do you need help choosing a major? Maybe you are already in your first semester of studies but don't yet have an overview of everything? Our brand new JKU podcast series provides information about degree programs at the JKU as well as student life on campus!

Our podcast series titled "Lecture Hall Insights - Talking with JKU Students" features host Gregor chatting with students about their everyday life at the JKU. Listen in and learn more about how to get your studies off on the right foot as well as what kind of opportunities and challenges you can expect during your studies. They also talk about their favorite places on campus and student social life because one thing's for sure: Our students are the real experts when it comes to understanding just how studying at the JKU works!


Follow our new podcast series wherever you stream podcasts! Please note that unless otherwise indicated, all of the podcasts are in German.

JKU Podcast Teaserbild

Electronics and Information Technology (ELIT)

Self-driving cars, drones, smartphones, AI - as an electrical engineer you'll build their chips, sensors & automated technology - featuring Anna and Simon.

The latest installment in the JKU's student podcast series features ELIT students, Anna and Simon, talking about the program and how real-world, high-tech projects are a part of their studies, why Linz is an electronics industry hotspot, and just how what they learn in the classroom can be applied to tangible industrial applications. They also share some tips for newly enrolled students on how to get off to a good start, especially in the field of engineering. This is a fascinating look into the world of signal processing, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge technologies!


[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Podcast Hörsaal Einblicke Elektronik und Informationstechnik
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Become a legal expert to shape the future by developing effective responses that address the ever-increasing demands facing society today - featuring Sabina and Nikolaus.

Legal technology, procedural justice, digital government. Become a legal expert for a new generation at the JKU Linz! This installment features JKU students, Sabina and Nikolaus, talking about why they decided to pursue a degree in law, the challenges they have had to overcome, and what newly enrolled students should know! They also talk about their personal experiences, their first examinations, and the many options to expand on what they are learning in the program. Studying law at the JKU is hands-on, fascinating, as well as highly challenging but very rewarding. Have fun listening!


[Translate to Englisch:] Diplomstudium Rechtsiwssenschaften mit Sabina und Nikolaus
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Business Law

Stay one step ahead of the game by earning a business law degree, one that also focuses on cutting-edge topics: featuring Franca and Sebastian

Innovation, technological advancements, a digital economy, sustainability, environmental concerns, regulatory issues, compliance, and a competitive landscape: You are one step ahead with a Bachelor's degree in Business Law at the JKU, especially during these challenging times! Business Law governs the way business organizations and business entities are established, run, and managed. The program is a combination of business education and legal expertise with options to specialize individually and focus on future-oriented fields. Listen in as JKU students Franca and Sebastian talk about their studies in Business Law and how interesting and hands-on their studies are. They share some of their compelling experiences and reveal that studying law is far from dry. Have fun listening!


Bachelor's Degree in Business Law featuring Franca and Sebastian
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Mechanical Engineering

Machines today not only communicate with each other, they can operate completely on their own. Katharina and Flamur talk about how future advancements are virtually limitless!

Although modern machines are based on proven principles in mechanical engineering, in the future they will require less energy, use fewer materials, and have minimal negative impact on people and the environment. Mechanical engineers of today are being called upon to think about the "big picture", take responsibility, and are learning how to manufacture machines that can meet future challenges. This episodes of "Lecture Hall Insights" focuses on JKU students Katharina and Flamur talking about the JKU's degree program in Mechanical Engineering, the fascinating experiments they have conducted as part of their studies, and how interesting their laboratory exercises are. Have fun listening!


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International Business Administration (IBA)

Globally connected cycles. World-wide networking and cross-border action: Eva & Paul talk about how to become a global citizen

The Bachelor's degree program International Business Administration (IBA) offered by the JKU Business School is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the global business environment. In this episode, JKU students Eva and Paul talk about what it's like to study with people from all over the world, how they managed their semester broad and what their future prospects are after their Bachelor's degree. Have fun listening!


Student Podcast IBA with Eva and Paul
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Business Informatics

Cloud and mobile computing, social media, digital business: Christina & Lukas talk about why this degree program is unique in Austria

Information and communication systems are a company's lifeline. As a business informatics specialist, you pool your expertise in business and computer sciences to structure digital technologies at companies. During this episode, JKU students Christina and Lukas talk about why they chose to major in Business Informatics, how they are already putting what they have learned into practice, and future career prospects. Have fun listening!


[Translate to Englisch:] Studierenden Podcast Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Christina und Lukas
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Why studying medicine in Linz is different than anywhere else - featuring Nora & Simon

There is a new generation of physicians at the JKU Linz! The "organ and method-centered" curriculum is interdisciplinary, meaning students look at illnesses from various angles in the human body and across all potential organs and systems. Nora and Simon's medical degree program is offered as part of a Bachelor's / Master's system at the JKU's Faculty of Medicine. During this podcast, they tell us about why they both decided to study medicine in Linz, what passing the admissions examination was like, and what the White Coat ceremony is all about. Have fun listening!


Nora und Simon, BA Medicine 2024 JKU Linz Simon & Nora ©JKU
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Our Changing World - with Julia & Gilbert

JKU students Julia and Gilbert provide lecture hall insights and talk about what makes the JKU’s Sociology program so special. This program gives you a unique opportunity to combine subject areas such as, for example, labor and the environment, business and technology, politics and culture, or family and recreation. In this episode, you'll hear why Julia decided to focus on research in the area of inequality and why Gilbert feels he made the right choice of studies when it came to quenching his thirst for knowledge. Have fun!


Julia und Gilbert Julia und Gilbert ©JKU
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Artificial Intelligence

Learn more about one of Austria's most unique degree programs - with Sezgin.

JKU student Sezgin's lecture hall insights include the various aspects that make the Bachelor's degree program Artificial Intelligence so special. Unique in Austria, this academic degree program offered at the JKU gives you with a well-rounded, base-knowledge education in mathematics and computer science, turning you into an expert in topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, knowledge representation, and language processing. Listen in as Sezgin talks about the personal benefits of his studies in Artificial Intelligence and why his laptop has become his "trusty companion". Have fun!


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Medical Engineering

Fundamentals of Medicine & Technology - with Stephanie & Kristof.

The JKU's Bachelor's degree in Medical Engineering is a combination of base-knowledge medicine together with subjects in engineering and science. Listen to this podcast to learn more about why Stephanie chose to study at the JKU instead of at a university of applied sciences, why Kristof has already built an ECG, and what role ducks play in this degree program. Enjoy!


[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Podcast Medical Engineering Stephanie & Kristof
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Teacher Education Studies - Secondary Level

In between Digitalization and Holding Chalk - with Julia and Raphael.

This teacher education program gives you an opportunity to combine two subject areas or one teaching subject and then specialize in "Inclusive Education". This podcast focuses on why this program not only includes courses at the JKU,  but also how Julia combines teaching with research after graduation, and how, despite increasing digitalization, Raphael has no intentions of giving up chalk when he's in the classroom. We hope you enjoy it!



[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Podcast, BA Lehramt Sekundarstufe, Julia & Raphael
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Technical Mathematics

A Bachelor's degree to pursue your (international) career in academia and business - with Eva-Maria and Theo.

The Bachelor's degree program in Technical Mathematics combines mathematical modeling, algorithmic aspects, and hands-on computer science. In this episode of the podcast series, find out why Eva-Maria found her internship in ophthalmic optics particularly exciting and why Theo would recommend taking the study preparation courses. Have fun listening!


[Translate to Englisch:] Technische Mathematik JKU Podcast
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Business Administration

Understanding the world, ranging from economics to psychology - with Nadine and Fabian.

This degree program combines economics, business administration, finance, psychology, and data analysis. Listen as Nadine talks about why she chose this Bachelor's in business despite having completed a program to be a kindergarten teacher, and why Fabian decided to study business administration instead of becoming a pilot. Enjoy the podcast!


[Translate to Englisch:] JKU Podcast Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit Nadine & Fabian
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THE ideal cross-disciplinary engineering program! Everything from mechanical & plant engineering to artificial intelligence. - with Sophie and Georg.

The Bachelor's degree program in Mechatronics at the JKU brings mechanical and plant engineering together with electronics, electrical engineering, control engineering, computer science, and even artificial intelligence. Listen to this episode to find out why Sophie enjoyed the internships offered further along in the program, why Georg says the best coffee is available at one of the six cafés on campus, and why they both love the USI (the UniversitySPORTSInstitute).


[Translate to Englisch:] Mechatronik mit Sophie & Georg - JKU Podcast
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zwei Studentinnen sitzen am Teich vom JKU Campus

More Tips on How to Choose a Major

Are you interested in a variety of different subject areas? Can't decide between the one or the other degree program or universities? Not yet sure if studying is your thing? Let us give you tips, advice and tools to learn more about everything we offer here at the Johannes Kepler University!


  • What should I study? Tips and advice to help you choose the right major for you.

    Learn More
  • All Academic Degree Programs Here is an overview of all of the academic degree programs offered at the JKU.

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