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The Circus Goes School

A Circus Ring of Wonder: A new approach to learning by magically combining art and science!

Kids and teens should be able to enjoy a variety of arts! The Circus of Knowledge is a unique venue that brings scholarly and scientific research at the JKU together with the alphabet of the arts. The goal is to spark a sense of interest and curiosity to want to explore the world around us and help them to understand the language of art.


[Translate to Englisch:] Kinder tanzen [Translate to Englisch:] ©Nick Mangafas

Engaging in art (both hands-on artistic activities as well as attending artistic performances) has countless positive benefits ranging from working effectively as part of a team, developing motor skills and critical thinking skills, boosting a sense of self-confidence, changing the way students think about themselves and others, as well as about the reality we live in, encouraging creative thinking, honing problem-solving skills, learning to be resilient, or just simply being part of the human experience.


Despite the often challenging funding circumstances, the Circus of Knowledge offers free performances for school classes and educational institutions as well as opportunities to actively take part in theater productions that are also often accompanied by in-depth workshops and/or educational materials.

We would like to invite teachers and educators to come and explore the JKU's Circus Knowledge! Book a group visit or a visit for the entire class!

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What Schools are Saying

We appreciate the numerous positive reactions to our program! Here are some of the responses we have received:


„We found the performance linguistically challenging at first, but in hindsight we then realized that the students had truly understood the many of the key messages, which in turn inspired them to continue thinking about - and reflecting on - the topic.“
Tamara Sündhofer (HAK/HAS Rudigier)
„Our visit to the Circus of Knowledge was very enriching. As an inclusive school, we are always on the lookout for creative ways to convey information and new learning concepts. The Kamishibai performance, “The Dinosaur Lady”, was an outstandingly creative example of how effective education can be. (Creative, playful, sustainable, and a sensory experience...)“
Anita Berger-Schwandner (School for EVERYONE)
„We were very taken by how beautifully the story was told. The children paid attention and were extremely engaged. Thank you very much for providing this opportunity, particularly in these times when many families find it difficult to afford to attend cultural events!“
Bettina Dopler (Karlhofschule)
„It was amazing - both the way in which the topic was presented as well as incorporating physical activity and the workshop for the school children. Both the teachers and the children were impressed - almost a little “intoxicated” ;-)! A truly great program by the JKU!!! Thank you very much for letting us be a part of it!“
Petra Ottenschläger (Brucknerschule)
„The children loved the shadow puppet theater. The artist managed to mesmerize the kids 100% as he played different roles and used different voices. I would like to take this opportunity to praise the artist! I was also very impressed by his performance. I cannot even begin to imagine just how much effort and preparation this kind of performance requires. The story about Johannes Kepler was recounted in a child-friendly, exciting, captivating, and witty way.“
Hannah Gubo (VS 35)
„The staging with silhouettes was very impressive and the artist played all of the roles perfectly! The use of sign language was very helpful and the interpreter used very child-friendly signs. Thank you very much for this wonderful experience!
Susanne Biermair and Eva Grübl (Landesschulzentrum Hör- u. Sehbildung) on one of the performances offered with sign language interpretation.
„The work we did with Ethem Fischer left its mark on our class! Shy children had the confidence to be loud on stage, others (who claimed to actually “not really be into theater”) came up with hilarious plays and made great props using just a few materials. Together, they discovered just how creative they can be and we teachers enjoyed discovering these new sides to our students.“
Marion Stangl (MS 10)
„We really enjoyed this performance! The combination of technical terms and simple explanations was ideal and the students did an extremely good job of introducing the children to this complex subject area by using effective language, demonstrative experiments, and a good sense of humor.“
Karin Schaffer (VS at the Kreuzschwester School)
„In January of this year, one of our integration classes attended the "Fascination Jellyfish" performance at the Circus of Knowledge. There are 3 children in the class who have special educational needs. The feedback from my colleagues was overwhelming and I was very happy to hear how well organized it was.
I simply wanted to say THANK YOU.“
Alexandra Pannagger (VS Ansfelden, principal)