
Strong Together: Diversity at the JKU.

Every man. Every woman. Every human being. Diversity makes us stronger. People’s colors and diversity broaden our horizons, giving us an opportunity to see things in new ways and support our level of creativity. We want to practice our appreciation, regardless of gender identity. People with and without disabilities. People from Austria or other parts of the world. While we each have our different individual strengths and weaknesses, together, we are the JKU. Regardless of whether we are students, educators, or in the administration, together we want to create the best possible university for everyone. This is what Diversity Strategy at the JKU stands for. The goal: Creating a diversity-oriented academic, learning and working culture. After implementing conventional principles and policies to support the advancement of women and gender equal opportunity policies for many years now, the JKU Rectorate has decided to implement a participative process to support the advancement of a dynamic and diversity-oriented culture to support science, academia, learning, and working

Because one thing is clear: There is space for everyone at the JKU.

Diversity. Space for Everyone.

The Department of Equality, Equitable Opportunities and Diversity focuses on all of the various aspects of equal opportunity, diversity, and compatibility by continuously creating and implementing strategies, programs and measures to support the principle of gender mainstreaming.

Concrete Steps.

Strengthening diversity. While it's easy to say, it's not just lip service. Here at the JKU we are taking very concrete steps. To put it simply, the JKU's strategy is based on 5 pillars that we would like to take an opportunity to present here.

  • Training sessions, GD education, ensuring quality in education
  • Diversity-oriented leadership culture
  • Seminars, training sessions, and continual education programs
  • Target group-specific commitment along the educational chain

  • Accessibility in the understanding of "Design for Everyone"
  • Distance Learning
  • Student mobility, internationalization (education + study buddies)
  • Internal and external communication
  • Studyability of selected curricula for specific target groups
  • Increase in the rate of examination activity

  • Balancing studies, work, home life, dual careers
  • Childcare, Audit hochschule und familie
  • Supporting occupational health

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration,
  • Sponsorships - Alliance of Sustainable Universities


When it comes to the issue of diversity, there are often various questions. The Department of Equality, Equitable Opportunities and Diversity is happy to help and talk with you. You can reach us by sending an e-mail to: gleichstellung(at)jku.at.