
The JKU has four faculties. That is, however, by no means all of it! Together with our partners, we have broadened our range of research, education, and continuing education. There are institutions and shareholdings that make studying at the JKU even more versatile. And then there is the Linz University Fund, guaranteeing innovative and international practices in Linz, a regional location with strong traditional ties to education and research.


The JKU currently holds direct stakes in 13 companies that focus on research institutions. In this regard, the JKU currently holds business shares in seven COMET research centers that contribute to research performance in Austria in a socially relevant way and at the crossroads of academia and industry. In addition, there are management spin-off companies in the area of real estate and parking.


Organigramm Beteiligungen an der JKU Linz

Additional information about individual JKU affiliates

JKU Multi-Media Study Materials Ltd. distributes JKU educational materials focusing mainly on the multi-media Diploma degree program in Law, in particular. The JKU is the only Austrian university that offers multimedia study materials in the country. Multimedia cases are authored by academic faculty members from the JKU's Faculty of Law, and JKU Linz Multi-Media Study Materials Ltd. successfully manages the overall distribution process.


JKU Operations and Leasing Ltd. plans, constructs, rents, operates, and leases buildings, rooms, and parking spaces in the JKU's (or its partners) interests. Renting and leasing includes buildings at the JKU Science Park in particular, space at the MedCampus and in Hagenberg.

  • Ownership Structure
    100 % JKU
  • Management
    Mag. Alexander Freischlager
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch
  • Supervisory Board
    Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch (Chair)
    Vice-Rector Mag. Christiane Tusek (Deputy Chair)
    Mag. Norbert Obermayr
  • Homepage

The OIC - Open Innovation Center Ltd. owns the LIT Open Innovation Center and rents available space to the JKU, the digital flagship grocery store SPAR, and workspaces to companies in the open workspace area. The goal is to bring innovative companies, start-up companies, and JKU researchers, institutes, and faculty members together.

  • Ownership Structure
    50 % JKU Operations and Leasing Ltd. (100 % ownership by the JKU)
    50 % Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H (Austrian Federal Property Association)
  • Management
    Elisabeth Ulbrich MSc MA
    DI Patrik Largler MBA
  • Homepage

RISC Software Ltd. conducts R&D in the field of mathematics, computer sciences, and related services. With many years of expertise in collaborating with industrial partners, RISC Software Ltd. is an integral part of the IT community in Hagenberg and, at the same time, deeply rooted at its original institute, RISC, located at the JKU.

The Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) is the only COMET center that focuses on data and software science, conducting outstanding research in both areas. For many years, numerous JKU institutes in the areas of computer science, mathematics and business informatics have been collaborating closely with SCCH, and countless JKU doctoral candidates have worked together with SCCH to accelerate knowledge transfer.

  • Ownership Structure
    33.3 % JKU
    33.3 % UAR Ltd.
    33.3 % Association of SCCH Partner Companies
  • Management
    Mag. Markus Manz
    Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Wille
  • Supervisory Board
    Mag. Ingrid Rabmer (Chair)
    Mag. Alexander Freischlager MBA (Deputy Chairman)
    DI Dr. Klemens Springer
    Mag. Thomas Gratz
    Dr. Gerhard Wildmoser
    Univ. Prof. Dr. Gustav Pomberger
    Doris Hohensinger, MSc
    Sabrina Luftensteiner, MSc
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

The Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM) is a research & development service provider and an expert in the field of integrating diverse technologies to create end-to-end solutions. LCM uses the latest technologies in the fields of mechatronics, automation, digital product development and artificial intelligence. The JKU institutes of mechatronics created LCM and it is the only location-relevant K2 center in Upper Austria.

  • Ownership Structure
    35 % Association of LCM's Scientific and Industrial Partners
    30 % UAR Ltd.
    25 % JKU
    10 % VOEST
  • Management
    DI Dr. Manfred Nader
    DI Dr. Johann Hoffelner
  • Supervisory Board
    DI Dr. Markus Baldinger MBA (Chair)
    DI Dr. Wilfried Enzenhofer MBA (First Deputy Chair)
    VR Mag. Christiane Tusek (Second Deputy Chair)
    Dr. Gerhard Wildmoser
    VR Univ. Prof. Dr. Alberta Bonanni
    Dr. Johann Reisinger
    Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Michael Krommer
    Ing. Wolfgang Kunze MBA MSc
  • Peter Jakob
  • DI Dr. Marie Anneliese Klaffenböck
  • DI Dr. Markus Pichler-Scheder
  • DI Daniel Reischl MLBT
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

The CHASE Competence Center Ltd. works closely with the JKU pilot (testing) factory. Academic and scientific work performed in three areas: Process Digitization (Area 1), Process Intensification (Area 2), and Circular Process Streams (Area 3). The JKU's involvement with CHASE focuses on exciting research questions that also pertain to society in order to improve resource-conserving industrial processes.

  • Ownership Structure
    25 % JKU
    25 % UAR Ltd.
    25 % TU Vienna
    25 % Association of CHASE Partner Companies
  • Management
    Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Christian Paulik
    Patrick Pammer
  • Supervisory Board
    Mag. Ingrid Rabmer (Chair)
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch (Second Deputy Chair)
    VR Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Johannes Fröhlich
    DI Sven Wolf (First Deputy Chair)
    Mag. Dietmar Eder LL.B.
    DI Michael Schwantzer
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

Pro2Future develops products and productions systems for the future. Pro2Future designs cognitive systems featuring human-like capabilities, such as perception, comprehension, interpretation, memorization and learning, reasoning, and the corresponding cognition-driven actions, all of which are embedded in both products and production systems.

  • Ownership Structure
    20 % JKU
    20 % TU Graz
    20 % Fronius
    20 % AVL List
    20 % UAR Ltd.
  • Management
    DI Gerd Hribernig
  • Supervisory Board
    Vice-Rector Mag. Andrea Höglinger (Chair)
    Mag. Ingrid Rabmer (First Deputy Chair)
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch (Second Deputy Chair)
    DI Georg List
    Ing. Herbert Ritter
    Mag. Markus Roider, MBA
    Harald Langeder
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

Tech2b Inkubator Ltd. is one of the most successful start-up incubators in Austria. Mentors at Tech2b Inkubator Ltd. provide support services to entrepreneurs in words and deeds, ranging from verifying a business case to mediating financial partners in support of continual growth once the company has been successfully created. In addition, the JKU repeatedly contributes its academic expertise. JKU graduates and faculty members have already created a number of successful start-up companies.

  • Ownership Structure
    50 % Business Upper Austria
    20 % JKU
    10 % Economic Chamber of Upper Austria
    10 % University of Art & Design Linz
    10 % University of Applied Sciences in Upper Austria
  • Management
    Mag. Raphael Friedl, MSc
  • Supervisory Board
    DI (FH) Werner Pamminger MBA (Chair)
    Mag. Christiane Tusek (Deputy Chair)
    Mag. Irmgard Müller
    MMag. Isolde Perndl
    Mag. Erik Aigner MBA
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

The Research Center for Non Destructive Testing Ltd. (RECENDT) focuses on the entire R&D process chain, beginning with conducting application-oriented, base-knowledge research to developing the latest instrument technologies for industrial use. RECENDT provides customer-specific, tailor-made high-tech solutions in the field of material characterization and non-destructive testing. An interdisciplinary team made up of physicists, chemists, mechatronics engineers, and development engineers apply their expertise in cooperation with JKU institutes to sustainably contribute to the success of Austrian and international companies.

  • Ownership Structure
    80 % UAR Ltd.
    20 % JKU
  • Management
    Dr. Peter Burgholzer
  • Supervisory Board
    DI Dr. Wilfried Enzenhofer MBA (Chair)
    VR Univ. Prof. Dr. Alberta Bonanni
    Mag. Karin Aussersdorfer (2. Deputy Chair)
    DI Wolfgang Timelthaler
    DI Elisabeth Leiss-Holzinger
    DI Robert Zimmerleiter
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

The Wood Competence Center is a leading European research institution for wood and related renewable raw materials. Its core competencies lie in conducting materials research and process technology along the entire value chain ranging from raw materials to the finished product. Together with industrial partners and scientific partners (JKU institutes), the center develops methods and basic principles to conduct applied research at the crossroads of industry and science. Research questions are addressed in order to enable resource-saving management in the cycle-led bioeconomy.

  • Ownership Structure
    48 % UAR Ltd.
    26 % Carinthia Company Locations and Holding Company Ltd.
    13 % JKU
    13 % University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
  • Management
    DI Boris Hultsch
  • Supervisory Board
    DI Dr. Wilfried Enzenhofer MBA (Chair)
    Mag.a Barbara Schaper (Deputy Chair)
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch
    Dr. Gerd Kroner
    DI Leo Arpa
    Mag. Thomas Schmidt
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause
    DI Gerold Schneider
    VR DI Gerhard Mannsberger
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

CEST is Austria's research center for electrochemistry and electrochemical surface technology. In cooperation with JKU institutes, for many years CEST has been contributing its expertise and services in the fields of corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, materials for energy transition, surface technology, and developing R&D expertise.

  • Ownership Structure
    33% AIT
    14,4% TU Vienna
    14,4% TU Graz
    13,6% Collini
    11% JKU
    6,8% Andritz
    ​​​​​​​6,8% Voest
  • Management
    Mag. Alexander Balatka
  • Associate Representative
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window

The K1-MET metallurgical competence center includes a research program featuring four main areas. Area 1 focuses on issues regarding resources and recycling. Area 2 includes projects in support of core metallurgical processes. Area 3 focuses on one of the main objectives in the area of K1-MET: Decarbonizing steelmaking,emphasizing hydrogen-based steelmaking, energy efficiency, and reducing specific CO2 emissions. Lastly, findings in Area 4 (from the other areas) are combined and consolidated to create simulation tools. JKU researchers make outstanding contributions to the collaboration effort, particularly in Area 4.

  • Ownership Structure
    35 % voestalpine Steel Ltd.
    35 % Montanuniversität Leoben
    20 % Primetals Technologies Austria Ltd.
    10 % Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Management
    DI Dr. Susanne Michelic
    DI Thomas Bürgler
  • Supervisory Board
    Dr. Kurt Satzinger (Chair)
    Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Helmut Antrekowitsch (Deputy Chair)
    DI Dr. Alexander Fleischanderl
    Mag. Wolfgang Resch
    DI Dr. Wilfried Enzenhofer MBA
    Mag. Jochen Pack
    DI Dr. Thomas Prietl
  • Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window


What would education be if it were just in the classroom? We think it is vital that students acquire hands-on skills and real-world experience to prepare them for future social and professional challenges. We take education in science, teaching, and the arts, as well as a person's physical well-being, very much to heart. In this regard, we collaborate with various institutions and have also created additional institutes and associations at the JKU:


Linz University Funds

In order raise funds to establish and operate the University of Social and Economic Sciences in Linz, Federal Laws enacted July 5, 1962, BGBl. No. 189, thereby establishing the "Linz University Fund" as a public corporation. Since then, activities have since been carried out by the State of Upper Austria and the city of Linz as well as through subsidy contributions by companies and communities in Upper Austria.

During the initial decades, core tasks included addressing pressing plans associated with constructing additional university buildings.

The Linz University Fund's core responsibilities today include strengthening the State of Upper Austria and the City of Linz as a location for research and development as well as strengthening higher education and professional development, and to continue developing comprehensive educational programs.

The JKU focuses on supporting innovation/innovative developments, technology, innovative education, international activities, and mobility for scientific/academic employees as well as graduates.

Linz University Funds


Bahnhofplatz 1, 4021 Linz


zentrum, Rm. 4B402