Professorship Positions at the
Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Professorship Positions in Compliance with §98 UG

The following university professorship positions in accordance with § 98 of the 2002 Universities Act are currently open at the Johannes Kepler University Linz:

  • Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment.

Professorships in Compliance with §99 Sec. 1 UG

The following university professorship positions in accordance with § 99 of the 2002 Universities Act are currently open at the Johannes Kepler University Linz:

Professorships in Compliance with §99 Sec. 4 UG

The following university professorship positions in accordance with § 99 Sec. 4 of the 2002 Universities Act are currently open at the Johannes Kepler University Linz:

  • Unfortunately we do not have any vacancies at the moment.

Tenure Track Positions

Positions for prospective professors at the Johannes Kepler University Linz are also available.

Professor Onboarding Services

If you - and any family members - need assistance to get off to a good start in Linz, the JKU offers Onboarding & Dual Career Services.

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