The Johannes Kepler University Linz is an open, welcoming environment that encourages inquisitive minds, free thinking, and exploration. We offer degree programs that deliver far more than just an academic title! There is a world of unlimited opportunities at the JKU, especially for those who want more than just a quick "thumbs up" or a momentary "like". We offer something of enduring, immaterial value in our fast-moving and transient world: KNOWLEDGE.
For those looking for more than just an academic title
Education and research at the JKU reflect scholarly pursuits and the university's diverse range of academic degree programs in technology, engineering, natural sciences, business, economics, social sciences, law, medicine, education, art x science and digitalization target key areas of expertise needed for the 21st century. We are setting new standards in interdisciplinary and virtual education, such as the JKU medSPACE at the JKU's Faculty of Medicine, or the pioneering Artificial Intelligence degree program that was launched in 2019 as one of the first of its kind in Europe.
Conduct research in the areas that drive your curiosity
JKU scholars from across all disciplines are conducting research focused on new innovations to make our lives better. Over the past years, the JKU has increasingly focused on Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development as two university-wide priorities. Research in these areas demands close and effective teamwork across multiple disciplines in an effort to create solutions that can address the complex challenges of our time.
A few successful JKU research accomplishments from the past few years:
- AI pioneer Sepp Hochreiter and his team won the 2024 Austrian Science Fund “Cluster of Excellence” for their research on “bilateral AI”. In 2023, two clusters of excellence involving the JKU were approved (“QuantA” to support quantum research with the JKU Institute of Semiconductor Physics, and a cluster to support research on microbiomes with the JKU Institute of Biophysics and the Department of Internal Medicine with a focus on Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine).
- In 2023, JKU researcher Richard Küng was presented with an ERC Starting Grant for his work in quantum research.
- Also, in 2023, JKU researcher Stephan Pühringer received an Austrian Science Fund START Prize in recognition of his project, “SETER”, focusing on sustainable socio-economic transitions.
- In 2021, under the leadership of Martina Seidl and Günter Klambauer, a team of JKU scholars and researchers used artificial intelligence to devise a method for flood prediction.
- Under the leadership of Martina Mara, researchers at the JKU LIT Robopsychology Lab have been studying human-robot the interaction for years. In 2023, they partnered with musician “Blonder Engel” to write a song about AI, aimed at raising more awareness on the subject.
- The LIT Open Innovation Center's test factory is exploring sustainable plastics that are intended to one day be fully recyclable.
Interested in LEARNING MORE about research at the JKU?
Prestigious Accolades Presented by the German Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG)
Three scholars at the Faculty of Medicine have been presented with awards in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
The JKU Faculty of Medicine: Laying a Decisive Direction for the Future
At the recommendation of the International Scientific Advisory Board for Medicine (IWBM), the JKU Faculty of Medicine voluntarily took part in an…
The New Ignaz Semmelweis Institute
The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute will open its doors at the beginning of 2025.
To those who WANT TO LEARN MORE - now it's your turn!
Can a butterfly's fluttering wings trigger a tornado? Will your first car be an autonomous vehicle? Will you live in a society of new values and where everyone is equal? Will you earn a lot of money selling air conditioners on account of climate change? Will you build even more powerful machines that use less energy?
If you WANT TO LEARN MORE, the Johannes Kepler University Linz is Upper Austria's largest educational playground, offering around 100 academic degree programs and post-graduate courses. Choose your major now!
Academic Degree Programs at the JKU
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Lecture Hall Insights
Which professors are the toughest? Where is the best place to eat on campus? What do I need to know at the start of my studies?
Listen in as our students talk about everyday campus life at the JKU and provide insight into degree programs here and what studying Artificial Intelligence, International Business, Mechatronics - or other programs - is really like! Click here to listen to our student podcast series!
The Drive to WANT TO LEARN MORE and Trailblazers at the JKU
The JKU has a long tradition of conducting cutting-edge research and striving to learn more. A number of renowned trailblazers have left their mark at the university, driving advancements in Linz forward:
- 1969: The JKU launches Austria's first degree program in computer science
- 1990: The JKU introduces the world's first - and today's most comprehensive - degree program in Mechatronics
- 1992: The JKU welcomes the first Chair for Business Informatics in Austria - the birthplace of digital transformation
- 2019: The JKU creates of one Europe's first academic degree programs in Artificial Intelligence
- 2019: The JKU celebrates the Grand Opening of the LIT Open Innovation Center (OIC) & LIT Factory - a co-working space designed to support science, academia, business, industry, innovation, and entrepreneurship at the JKU
LEARNING how to create a better "tomorrow"
Digitalization and Digital Transformation at the JKU
Business Informatics, ArtificiaI Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering and much more: Upper Austria's largest institution for education and research, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, is an exciting environment to explore future technologies! The university as a whole focuses on digitalization and digital transformation - almost all of our academic programs and subject areas include technology in an educational and professional capacity.
Sustainability in Action at the JKU
Whether in a research lab, a lecture hall, or everyday around the JKU, sustainability is the name of the game when it comes to conducting research, teaching, and spending time on campus. Located in a green residental area north of the city of Linz, conducting research into renewable resources, energy-efficient technologies, and creating a functioning circular economy are just as much a focus as oour “Mission 2030” to become a climate-neutral university.