
Aufsatz / Paper in SSCI-Zeitschrift

The effects of marginal employment on subsequent labour market outcomes

Weber A., Böheim R.: The effects of marginal employment on subsequent labour market outcomes, in German Economic Review, 2011


title = {The effects of marginal employment on subsequent labour market outcomes},
type = {PAPRE-SSCI},
author = {Weber, Andrea and Böheim, Rene},
language = {EN},
issn = {1468-0475},
abstract = {Unemployed workers in Austria do not lose their unemployment benefits (UI) if they work in a job where their earnings are below a certain threshold [‘marginal employment’ (ME)]. ME might improve their labour market status by signalling effort, or worsen it through reduced job-search effort. Those who work in ME while claiming UI have less employment and lower earnings afterwards than those who do not. The penalty lessens over time but is still present after three years.},
journal = {German Economic Review},
month = {5},
year = {2011},
url = {},


Titel: The effects of marginal employment on subsequent labour market outcomes

Kurzfassung: Unemployed workers in Austria do not lose their unemployment benefits (UI) if they work in a job where their earnings are below a certain threshold [‘marginal employment’ (ME)]. ME might improve their labour market status by signalling effort, or worsen it through reduced job-search effort. Those who work in ME while claiming UI have less employment and lower earnings afterwards than those who do not. The penalty lessens over time but is still present after three years.

Journal: German Economic Review

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

Anzahl Seiten: 16

Reichweite: International

ISSN: 1468-0475


Beteiligte Personen

AutorInnen / HerausgeberInnen: PhD Andrea Weber, Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Rene Böheim

Forschungseinheiten der JKU

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