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Institut für Algebra
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News & Events

Ukraine Flag

Yurii Zhuchok receives a Scholar­ship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

The Joint Excel­lence in Sci­ence and Huma­nities (JESH) pro­gram of the Aus­trian Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces pro­mo­tes coope­ra­tion bet­ween rese­ar­chers from abroad…


Krish­nendu Bhow­mick completed his Ph.D. studies

On Octo­ber 21st, 2024, Krish­nendu Bhow­mick suc­cess­fully defen­ded his PhD-​thesis "Con­ve­xity, sum­sets and dis­crete geo­me­try".

Prof. Kauers / Prof. Shaoshi Chen

Prof. Kauers is Distin­guished Visi­ting Professor

As a reco­gni­tion of his long-​term col­la­bo­ra­tion with Prof. Shao­shi Chen, the Aca­demy of Mathe­ma­tics and Sys­tems Sci­ence of the Chi­nese Aca­demy of…

Thi Xuan Vu

Thi Xuan Vu will move to Lille

In an age where it is increa­sin­gly dif­fi­cult for young rese­ar­chers to find per­ma­nent employ­ments in an aca­de­mic envi­ron­ment, it is our plea­sure to…

JKU Young Researchers Awards

JKU Young Rese­ar­chers Awards

We are proud to announce that four for­mer mem­bers of our insti­tute were awar­ded today for their excel­lent Ph.D. the­ses today.

LARD 2024

LARD 2024/1

The first Linz Alge­bra Rese­arch Day of this year was held today.


Ph.D. student posi­tions avail­able

We are loo­king for people who are inte­rested in doing their Ph.D. on a hot topic in the area of com­pu­ter alge­bra.

Algebra is child's play

Algebra is child's play

It's never too early to get star­ted. Today Prof. Kau­ers gave a lec­ture on alge­bra at a local Kin­der­gar­ten.

Bernardo Rossi PhD

Bernardo Rossi completed his Ph.D. studies

On March 21st, 2024, Ber­nardo Rossi suc­cess­fully defen­ded his PhD-​thesis "Uni­ver­sal Alge­braic Geo­me­try and Poly­nomial Inter­po­la­tion".