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Institut für Analytische und Allgemeine Chemie
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Abgeschlossene Dissertationen

Schweighuber Andrea (2021)
Development of analytical methods for the quality evaluation of polyolefin recyclates

Bögl Thomas (2021)
Metabolomics as a key tool for clinical studies

Reichl Bernd (2020)
Establishment of methods for the metabolomic analysis of clinical samples

Guntner Armin Sebastian (2020)
Into the depth: The key role of modern analytical chemistry in pharmaceutical development and medicinal research

Wierer Markus (2020)
Methods for the analysis of stabilizers in powder coatings

Mlynek Franz (2020)
Uptake and metabolization of pharmaceuticals by plants - detection and tentative identification strategies

Emhofer Lisa (2018)
Investigations on the metabolization of pharmaceuticals in plants and approaches for their trace level analysis

Maringer Leila (2017)
Micro- and macroscopic approaches to polymer stabilizer analysis for solar thermal systems

Kreisberger Georg (2017)
Novel Approaches for the Analysis of Stabilizers in Technical Products

Schmid Thomas (2016)
Entwicklung neuer Kapillarmaterialien und Detektionstechniken für die Kapillarelektrophorese, 2016