- Jamann N, Dannehl D, Lehmann N, Wagener R, Thielemann C, Schultz C, Staiger J, Kole MHP, Engelhardt M: Sensory input drives rapid homeostatic scaling of the axon initial segment in mouse barrel cortex. Nat Commun 2021, 12(1):23.
- Beutel T, Dzimiera J, Kapell J, Engelhardt M, Gass A, Schirmer L: Cortical projection neurons as a therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis. Expert Opin Ther Targets 2020, 12:1211-1224.
- Benedetti B*, Dannehl D*, Janssen JM, Corcelli C, Couillard-Després S*, Engelhardt M*: Structural and functional maturation of rat primary motor cortex layer V neurons. Int J Mol Sci 2020, 21(17): 6101. *shared authorship
- Benedetti B*, Dannehl D*, König R, Coviello S, Kreutzer C, Zaunmair P, Jakubecova D, Weiger TM, Aigner L, Nacher J, Engelhardt M, Couillard-Després S. Functional Integration of neuronal precursors in the adult murine piriform cortex. Cereb Cortex 2020, 30(3): 1499-1515. *shared authorship
- Benedetti B*, Dannehl D*, König R, Coviello S, Kreutzer C, Zaunmair P, Jakubecova D, Weiger TM, Aigner L, Nacher J, Engelhardt M, Couillard-Despres S: Functional integration of neuronal precursors in the adult murine piriform cortex. Cereb Cortex, 2019, bhz181 *shared authorship
- Schlüter A, Rossberger S, Dannehl D, Janssen JM, Vorwald S, Hanne J, Schultz C, Mauceri D, Engelhardt M: Dynamic regulation of synaptopodin and the axon initial segment in retinal ganglion cells during postnatal development. Front Cell Neurosci, 2019, 13:318
- Malek Mohammadi M, Abouissa A, Azizah I, Xie Y, Cordero J, Shirvani A, Gigina A, Engelhardt M, Trogisch FA, Geffers R, Dobreva G, Bauersachs J, Heineke J: Induction of cardiomyocyte proliferation and angiogenesis protects neonatal mice from pressure overload-associated maladaptation. JCI Insight, 2019, 23:5
- Engelhardt M*, Jamann N, Wefelmeyer W*: Small domain - large consequences: the axon initial segment as a key player in neuronal excitability. Neuroforum, 2019, 25(1). *shared authorship
- Ernst L, Darschnik S, Roos J, González-Gómez M, Beemelmans C, Beemelmans C, Engelhardt M, Meyer G, Wahle P: Fast prenatal development of the NPY neuron system in the neocortex of the European wild boar, Sus scrofa. Brain Stuct Funct 2018, 223(8)
- Rotheneichner P, Belles M, Benedetti B, König R, Dannehl D, Kreutzer C, Zaunmair P, Engelhardt M, Aigner L, Nacher J, Couillard-Despres S: Cellular plasticity in the adult murine piriform cortex: continous maturation of dormant precursors into excitatory neurons. Cereb Cortex, 2018, 28(7)
- Engelhardt M, Hamad MIK, Jack A, Ahmed K, König J, Rennau LM, Jamann N, Räk A, Schönfelder S, Riedel C, Wirth MJ, Patz S, Wahle P: Interneuron synaptopathy in developing rat cortex induced by the pro-inflammatory cytokine LIF. Exp Neurol, 2018; Apr 302
- Höfflin F*, Jack A*, Riedel C, Mack-Bucher J, Roos J, Corcelli C, Schultz C, Wahle P*, Engelhardt M*: Heterogeneity of the axon initial segment in interneurons and pyramidal cells of rodent visual cortex. Front Cell Neurosci; 2017 Nov 6. *shared authorship
- Schlüter A, del Turco D, Deller T, Gutzmann A, Schultz C, Engelhardt M: Dynamic regulation of synaptopodin in the axon initial segment during visual cortex development. Cereb Cortex, 2017, 27
- Jamann N*, Jordan M*, Engelhardt M: Activity-dependent axonal plasticity in sensory systems. Neurosci, 2017, 268. *shared authorship
- Engelhardt M, Di Cristo G, Grabert J, Patz S, Maffei L, Berardi N, Wahle P: Leukemia inhibitory factor impairs structural and neurochemical development of rat visual cortex in vivo. Mol Cell Neurosci 2017; 79