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Institut für Chemie der Polymere
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16.10.2023 - 15.10.2025

Lung carcinoma is the second most common cancer and causes the most annual deaths of any cancer. Furthermore, many current drugs suffer from (acquired) resistance or a low response rate.

Thus, new and improved treatments are required. Furthermore, as most chemotherapeutics must be administered intravenously, systemic side effects are inherent due to the uncontrolled distribution around the body. 

Herein we, therefore, combine a state-of-the-art drug (developed at CVT-JKU) with state-of-the-art nanocarriers (developed at ICP-JKU), with a focus on synthetic reproducibility and biodegradability, to prepare a localized, efficient low-dose formulation for direct pulmonary administration (with international expertise from HIPS/HZI Saarbrücken.