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PAOW! a live stream of music generation experiments

Music generation comes in many forms, some quiet, some off-kilter, and some which are researched and taught at the Institute of Computational Perception.


To showcase the latter work, we created a live stream starring our computer-controlled grand piano.
Each Wednesday (roughly) at 6 pm CET (even more roughly), we stream an experiment in music generation from our lab in Vienna. For an hour, you are invited to witness the peculiar things this grand piano can be made to do. Each experiment is accompanied by some code available on the PAOW! github repository which let's you reproduce what is happening.

The experiments vary wildly, from generative transformers to testing limits of the physical capabilities of the grand piano. Sometimes they are enhanced with non-piano sounds, sometimes visually controlled, they can be interactive or feature very simple ideas played from fixed (MIDI) media.

We're always looking for fresh ways to expand this list and contributions are very welcome!
There are few limits to what can be done in PAOW!: as long as it involves controlling the grand piano with some kind of code, we'll try it. If you're interested in hearing your own experiment on the grand piano, please send us an email.

Of course, no work is required and you're also very welcome to just listen in at : https://www.youtube.com/@paowcpjku/streams, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster or subscribe and click the bell to receive notifications about current streams.

This project is supported by the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101019375 (Whither Music?).