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Call for Papers: 9th Annual Conference on Risk Governance

University of Siegen in association with the Journal of Risk Research.
General theme: "Risk Governance: Culture Matters!"

Uni Siegen

The 9th Annual Conference on Risk Governance at the University of Siegen is scheduled for October 28–29, 2021. Researchers and practitioners are again cordially invited to submit proposals for presentations at the conference.

The Journal of Risk Research is pleased to announce a call for papers for its special issue on “Risk
Governance: Culture Matters!”
in association with the 9th Annual Conference on Risk Governance.

The special issue is open to all types of research in terms of underlying methodology. Given the so-far limited evidence on the role of culture in risk management and risk governance, we particularly welcome empirical papers (based on quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods).

Submissions to the 9th Annual Conference on Risk Governance by August 31, 2021, to arnd.wiedemann@uni-siegen.de are encouraged. However, they are not a prerequisite for submission to the Journal of Risk Research special issue.

Completed full manuscript submissions for the special issue are due by November 30, 2021. Manuscripts should be sent to the guest editor via e-mail: martin.hiebl@unisiegen.

Conference chairs
Prof. Dr. Rainer Baule (rainer.baule@fernuni-hagen.de)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Dutzi (andreas.dutzi@uni-siegen.de)
Prof. Dr. Volker Stein (volker.stein@uni-siegen.de)
Prof. Dr. Arnd Wiedemann (arnd.wiedemann@uni-siegen.de)
Guest editor for the special issue in the Journal of Risk Research
Prof. Dr. Martin Hiebl (martin.hiebl@uni-siegen.de)