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Institut für Controlling und Consulting
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aktuelle Informationen

Teilnahme an der International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) in Krakau.

Vortrag des Instituts von Johannes Thaller: „ How do Values Shape the Business Behavior of Family Firms Towards their Stakeholders? A Differentiated Analysis from Family-Owned Funeral Homes“

IFERA 2023

Vom 6. bis 8. Juli 2023 fand in Krakau (Polen) die International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) statt. An dieser Konferenz nahmen internationale Forscher*innen im Bereich Familienunternehmen teil und diskutierten laufende Forschungsprojekte in Form von Präsentationen. Dies ermöglichte wertvolles Feedback zur Weiterentwicklung der Forschungsprojekte. Zusätzlich gab es zahlreiche Gelegenheiten für informellen Austausch, anregende Gespräche und Networking. Das Institut für Controlling & Consulting, vertreten durch Mag. Johannes Thaller, trug zur IFERA 2023 mit folgendem Beitrag, verfasst von ihm und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller, bei:

„How do Values Shape the Business Behavior of Family Firms Towards their Stakeholders? A Differentiated Analysis from Family-Owned Funeral Homes“.


Values are considered as a typical characteristic of family firms (FFs), significantly influence their organizational behavior and managerial decisions. Although academic interest in this field of research is growing, the state of the art shows a heterogeneous picture and values are often studied in a one-sided manner. The aim of this study is to provide a differentiated analysis of values in FFs and their influence on managerial decisions from an interdisciplinary perspective. To do so, we draw on a qualitative-empirical study of family-owned funeral homes, which are particularly sensitive to values. The theoretical background informing this study is based on secularization theory, postsecular society and stakeholder theory. The findings show the extent to which values guide managerial decisions and influence business relationships with stakeholders. This study adds an interdisciplinary approach to the discourse and sheds light on the under-researched question of how values impact FFs.