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Institut für Experimentalphysik
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News & Highlights


Publi­ca­tion: Myce­lio­Tro­nics - Fungal myce­lium skin for sustain­able elec­tro­nics

Elec­tro­nic devices are irre­vo­ca­bly inte­gra­ted into our lives. Yet, their limi­ted life­time and often impro­vi­dent dis­po­sal demands sus­tain­able con­cepts…

Perovskite crystal orientation

Publi­ca­tion: Eluci­da­ting the Origins of High Prefe­ren­tial Crystal Orien­ta­tion in Quasi-​2D Perovs­kite Solar Cells

Incor­po­ra­ting large orga­nic cati­ons to form two‐dimen­sio­nal (2D) and mixed 2D/3D struc­tu­res signi­fi­cantly increa­ses the sta­bi­lity of perovs­kite solar…

Ultrafast SEMR

Publi­ca­tion: Ultra­fast small-​scale soft elec­tro­ma­gnetic robots

Here, we pre­sent a class of small-​scale soft elec­tro­ma­gne­tic robots made of cur­ved elas­to­me­ric bilay­ers, dri­ven by Lorentz for­ces acting on embed­ded…

Kirigami battery

Publi­ca­tion: Stret­chable and Biode­grad­able Batte­ries with High Energy and Power Density

Here, a con­cept for mer­ging intrinsi­cally stret­cha­ble mate­ri­als with engi­nee­red stret­chab­i­lity by kirigami-​patterning on a com­po­nent level is shown to…

Biogel 3D printing

Publi­ca­tion: 3D prin­ting of resi­lient biogels for omni­di­rec­tional and extero­cep­tive soft actua­tors

We report a cus­to­mi­zed 3D-​printing pro­cess based on fused depo­si­tion mode­ling, prin­ting a fully bio­de­grad­able gelatin-​based hydro­gel (bio­gel) ink into…


Publi­ca­tion: iSens - A Fiber-​Based, Highly Perme­able and Imper­cep­tible Sensor Design

Embed­ded sen­sors are key to opti­mi­zing pro­ces­ses and pro­ducts; they collect data that allow time, energy, and mate­ri­als to be saved, the­reby redu­cing…

Folded Parylene

Publi­ca­tion: Scalable Micro­fa­bri­ca­tion of Folded Parylene-​Based Conduc­tors for Stret­chable Elec­tro­nics

Elec­tro­nics imple­men­ted on bio­com­pa­ti­ble ultrat­hin sub­stra­tes like poly­ethy­lene tere­phtha­late, poly­imide, or parylene enab­led a wide range of…

Electrocaloric cooling

Publi­ca­tion: Elas­to­ca­loric heat pump with specific cooling power of 20.9 W g⁻¹ exploi­ting snap-​through insta­bi­lity and strain-​induced crystal­liza­tion

Con­ven­tio­nal ref­ri­ge­ra­tion relies on hazar­dous agents, con­tri­bu­ting to glo­bal war­ming. Soft, cheap, bio­de­grad­able solid-​state elas­to­ca­lo­ric coo­ling…


EDISON award in GOLD for sendance

The SoMaP spin-​off com­pany sen­dance has been awar­ded the pres­ti­gious EDI­SON award in GOLD for the best high-​tech inno­va­tion in Upper Aus­tria