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Chemistry St. Nicholas Kicks Things Up a Notch

The JKU performed a number of particularly fiery experiments on St. Nicholas Day.


We had our inaugural experimental St. Nicholas lecture on this December 6th 2024, in the newly renovated Lecture Hall HS 10 (“Hörsaal 10”). Prof’s Sabine Hild, Oliver Brüggemann and Marko Hapke and their teams orchestrated and performed a variety of experiments and gave explanations of their background in the presence of about 150 spectators (and sometimes especially listeners!). A colorful and vibrant show of experiments included a lot of colour changes, flames in all kind of colours, cold luminescence and sometimes quite loud bangs from the decomposition from all kind of small molecules! In a number of cases anecdotes were included from the historical background of the experiments. After the experimental part, the crowd gathered to enjoy some hot spicy “Punsch” and cookies.


Save the next date for another experimental lecture: May 24th, 2024 (Lange Nacht der Forschung)


Link: https://www.jku.at/news-events/news/detail/news/default-b5840ea983/, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster

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