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ICMIM 2020 in Linz

Die 6th annual IEEE International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility will be held in Linz, Austria.

The 6th annual IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility will be held in Linz, Austria. The conference covers all key enabling technologies for intelligent mobility, including components, circuits, systems, and signal processing. Potential applications address automated land, sea, and airborne vehicles, automotive radar and other sensing techniques, navigation and localization, mobile communications, driver assistance, and over-the-air testing. ICMIM 2020 is sponsored by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTTS) and technically co-sponsored by the Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM), the Silicon Austria Labs (SAL).


Dear authors, attendees, sponsors, and friends of ICMIM!

Finally, the corona virus didn’t stop in Europe, thus for the safety of everybody and following official regulations, we have to announce a cancellation of ICMIM on its originally planned date.

As important characteristics of ICMIM are personal contacts, lively discussions in the session and on invited/keynote talks, the interaction and demonstrations at the exhibition, and the recently announced new student-sponsorship initiative, we still plan for a “real” conference on a postponed date. After limited world-wide travel in the next month and a hopeful recovery to normality, we plan to come back with a new conference date before summer vacation time, in July, calendar week 28 or 29, details coming soon.

Stay healthy and we are looking forward to seeing each other again at ICMIM in Linz

Andreas Stelzer      Reinhard Feger    Christoph Mecklenbräuker
ICMIM-General Chair TPC-Chair   TPC Co-Chair