Ph.D student at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Research work in the area of Networked Labs-on-a-Chip
MSc studies at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Electron Devices. Research work in the area of fluid dynamics and biomedical LoCs
Msc studies at Heriot-Watt university, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Research work in the area of microfabrication tehnology, MEMS and NEMS systems
BSc studies at University of Tuzla, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications. Research work on modern communication systems, Mathematics and Physics
University College of Southeast Norway (HSN). Research work in material characterization techniques and measurements, micro- and nano-biological systems
1st Prize in IEEE ICC 3MT Competition on "5G, 6G to HumanG"
1st Prize IEEE ComSoc on "Technologies Changing the world"
International Women in Technology Award (USA)
"Women in Science" Award from ZONTA Linz and JKU
JKU Early Research Achievement Award
Degrees with distinction for MSc studies
Honorary European Union scholarship holder
Honorary scholarship holder (the best 25 engineers in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Special University recognition for success during the BSc studies
Holder of numerous government honors and scholarships for achieving exquisite results in the field of electrical engineering and physics in period 2011-2017