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EGOS PhD Workhop 2023

Together with Michela Loi ( University of Cagliari, Italy) and Neil Pollock (University of Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom), Elke Schüßler is co-organizing the 39th EGOS Colloquium at the University of Cagliari from July 6-8, 2023.

Before the main EGOS Colloquium starts on 4th of July 2023, a pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop is offered to a limited number of students in advanced stages of the dissertation journey providing a platform working towards a doctorate in organization studies to interact with, and learn from, fellow students and top scholars in various areas of research and scholarly inquiry. Students are expected to prepare assigned readings carefully prior to the workshop in order to be able to act as informed and active contributors. Admissions can be applied to the workshop by Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at the latest.

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