October 24, 2024 |
October 16, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Effortless Identity Management for a Circular Textile Economy, Millenium Innovation Days, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, Lustenau, Austria. |
September 05, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Federated Neuromorphic Thinking, 9. Pro²Future Partnerkonferenz, Linz, Austria. |
May 06, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Pro²Future II, Pro²Future 2nd Scientific Symposium on Conitive and Sustainable Products and Production Systems, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, Linz, Austria. |
April 05, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | AI zerbricht, JKU Open House, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster, Linz, Austria. |
April 03, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Panel Discussion, 9. JKU medTALK, öffnet in einem neuen Fenster, Linz, Austria. |
April 02, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Streaming AI, Industrie im Dialog: Game Changer KI - Die Zukunft des IT-Standortes OÖ, Linz, Austria. |
March 14, 2024 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, On-Device AI for Industry, Linz connects IT & Economy, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, Linz, Austria. |
November 07, 2023 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Cognitive Systems, LIT AI Lab Event, Linz, Austria. |
September 13, 2023 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Pro²Future Epoche II, 8. Pro²Future Partner Conference, Graz, Austria. |
November 10, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Können Menschen denken? A1 OneTEC Future Shots, Vienna, Austria. |
November 2, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Industrial Innovation Post Digitalisation, ISM 2022, Hagenberg, Austria. |
October 5, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Conference Closing Address, EWSN 2022, Linz, Austria. |
October 4, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Opening Speech, EWSN 2022, Linz, Austria. |
June 22, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Innovation entsteht, wenn Menschen es wollen, RSA FG: Rethinking Innovation: Applied Research That Matters, Salzburg, Austria. |
June 13, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Tiny Embedded Intelligence - Heavily Resource Restricted AI, NEXTGEN TRAINING TECHNOLOGIES - Industrial Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
May 13, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Nachhaltige Produktion, Intertool 2022, Wels, Austria. |
April 29, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Lecture, Smart Garments :: Intelligence Woven into the Fabric of Everyday Life, Course "WHAT IF … Shaping our future" (715.001, JKU Linz, 2022S), Linz, Austria. |
March 8, 2022 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Produkte mit kognitiven Fähigkeiten - Miniaturisierte, eingebettete KI, OÖ Zukunftsforum 2022, Linz, Austria. |
October 12, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Cognitive Products, Besuch Wissenschaftsdelegation Aachen, Linz, Austria. |
October 05, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, The Cognification of Things, Doctoral Colloquium of the LMU Medieninformatik, Venice, Italy. |
September 30, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Cognitive Wearables: Embedded AI Systems Assisting Workers, Millenium Innovation Days #2021, Lustenau, Austria. |
August 25, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Kognitive Industriesysteme, Werkstoffworkshop European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, Austria. |
June 22, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Kognitive Industriesysteme, UAR Innovation Network 360°, Online, Austria. |
March 17, 2021 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Presentation of the ÖWGP Positionspapier 2021, Beirat der FTI-Initiative „Produktion der Zukunft“, Online, Austria. |
November 10, 2020 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Cognitive Products, öffnet eine Datei, KC Treffpunkt Digitalisierung #4, Online, Austria. |
November 05, 2020 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Technology Matters!, IV OÖ: Industrie im Dialog: Corona als Technologieturbo, Online, Austria. |
January 23, 2020 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Aware Systems: Reversing Interaction Principles, öffnet eine Datei, International Workshop Conference on Digital Intelligence and Aware Systems: Interactive Music Technologies, St. Gilgen, Austria. |
November 20, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Cognitive Load in Laparoscopic Surgery, 5. Kepler Science Day, Linz, Austria. |
October 24, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, T12 / T22 = a13 /a23, Jubiläumssymposium 400 Jahre Keplers Buch, öffnet eine Datei, Linz, Austria. |
June 18, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Ich bitte um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Wahrnehmungsgesteuerte Selbstanpassung zukünftiger IT-basierter Produktionssysteme, Production & IT Konferenz, Linz, Austria. |
May 14, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Moderation IT-Kolloquium: Intelligente Roboter in Interaktion mit Menschen, Vienna, Austria. |
May 08, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Cognitive IT: The Dawn of the Age of Machine Thinking, ComputationWorld 2019, Venice, Italy. |
May 07, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Paper Presentation, Cognitive Products: System Architecture and Operational Principles, Cognitive 2019, Venice, Italy. |
January 31, 2019 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk (with F. Bleicher), Smarte Produktion, SMARTE PRODUKTION: Was die Vernetzung von Maschinen, Services und Menschen bringt (DBT), Vienna, Austria. |
October 31, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Shaping the cognitive productions systems of the future, IndTech 2018, Vienna, Austria. |
October 15, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Short presentation, Pro²Future, Workshop des UAR Innovation Networks, Linz, Austria. |
October 02, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Panel discussion, Intelligent Cognitive Systems, AVL Strategic Research Partnership, Graz, Austria. |
September 18, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Keynote, The Future of Products and Production Systems is Cognitive, Pro²Future in Progress, Linz, Austria. |
June 20, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, IoT in a Nutshell, Future in a Nutshell, Sattledt, Austria. |
May 29, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Short presentation, Pro²Future (5 minutes/ 1 slide), FFG Forum Produktion 2018, Graz, Austria. |
May 08, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Interview, Auf den Spuren Keplers in Linz, Wissenschaftsempfang anlässlich des Johannes Kepler Jubiläums, Linz, Austria. |
April 26, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Spotlight 5 - IoT, the thinking things, ECSEL-Austria Conference 2018, Linz, Austria. |
March 15, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Common Research Program CDP-Pro²Future, Opening Event Austrian Center for Digital Production, Vienna, Austria. |
February 08, 2018 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Pro2Future: Produkte und Produktionssysteme der Zukunft werden denken! 2. JKU-Transfertag Intelligente Produktion, Linz, Austria. |
July 05, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote: Spatial Abstractions for Individuals in Superorganisms, AGIT 2017, Salzburg, Austria. |
May 16, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Plenary Statement and Discussion, Fourth Round of Plenary Discussions: Digitalisation and innovation – how new technologies can help to overcome economic barriers, Towards the Vision of a Common Economic Space from Vancouver to Vladivostok: Connectivity, Trade and Economic Cooperation, Linz, Austria. |
May 09, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Panelist, Panel Statement and Discussion, AEC Innovationstag, Linz, Austria. |
May 09, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Socio-Inspired ICT, Reinventing Society - CSH Workshop, Vienna, Austria. |
May 04, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Tatort Digitalisierung: Menschliche Motive und ihre symbiotischen IT-Systeme, Tiroler IT-Day, Innsbruck, Austria. |
April 06, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Industrie 4.0 - Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, Industrie 4.0 – Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, Linz, Austria. |
February 09, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Future & Emerging ICT: Innovationen mit dem Ziel, Menschen zu dienen, Taking Innovation from Universities to Markets, St. Gilgen, Austria. |
January 25, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Business and Technologies Going Green, OSCE Chairmanship Business Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
January 18, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Keynote, Cognitive Collective Adaptive Systems, ANDRITZ Global Talent Program, Vienna, Austria. |
January 09, 2017 |
Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria. | Invited Talk, Future & Emerging ICT – Innovationen mit dem Ziel, Menschen zu dienen, RSA Teamklausur 2017, St. Gilgen, Austria. |