An International Conference of the DOC-team 114 in Cooperation with the International Karl Polanyi Society, the Competence Centre for Infrastructure Economics, Public Services and Social Provisioning, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care, and Sorgenetz, Association for the Promotion of Societal Care Culture. Life, Old Age, Dementia and Dying at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, 4th - 6th December 2023.
Care and housing are foundational for human well-being. Both deal with organising and sustaining livelihoods: while care as a human activity reacts to the ever-given contingency of life, housing arranges a place for undertaking everyday need-satisfying activities. In both fields, crises have exacerbated over the last decades, manifesting in care gaps, labour and care migration, and precarious working conditions of care workers, respectively in overburdening costs due to the transformation of homes into assets, leading to gentrification and segregation. Despite being seldomly investigated together, care and housing as well as their related crises are co-constitutive.