Between paternalism and autonomy
A differentiated analysis of Austrian sheltered work services
by Angela Wegscheider and Matthias Forstner
Between paternalism and autonomy
A differentiated analysis of Austrian sheltered work services
This paper , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fensterexamines Austria’s disability policy regarding sheltered work as outlined in regional disability laws. The analysis is supported by three theoretical models of social service relationships – paternalist, libertarian, and social relational – focusing on the interactions in the triangle of service providers, stat, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster actors, and the individual receiving services. Through this lens, an in-depth content analysis of laws, regulations, and reports was carried out. The paper highlights that paternalist and dis/ableist perspectives on disabled persons predominate in federal state disability laws, with only limited emphasis on support services that foster education and skills development for deinstitutionalised work or supported employment measures in the open labour market. Most support services involve lifelong pocket-money jobs without employment rights, confined to segregated substitute labour markets. The results show that while legislation often contains progressive rhetoric promising greater self-determination and inclusion, these promises are largely rhetorical, masking austerity policies and paternalism that fail to deliver the person-centred support necessary to secure gainful employment in the open labour market. As a result, the legal system perpetuates unnecessary, i.e. pathogenic vulnerability for disabled persons.
European Journal of Disability Research, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster