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Riding four waves of Citizen Science: a global to local view of a field in motion

In this keynote talk, Margaret will share her unique experiences of a year spent working on developing policies and strategies for Citizen Science within Open Science at the global, European, national and local levels.


Margaret Gold
Univ. Leiden (NE)

Margaret Gold is the Coordinator of the Citizen Science Lab, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster at Leiden University, which is a project incubator and knowledge hub that brings together scientists, policy makers, citizens, and other stakeholders in participatory research projects that address scientific questions and urgent societal issues. Margaret also leads Citizen Science within the Open Science and ‘Academia in Motion’ Programme of Leiden University.

Her research focus, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster within the ‘Science of Citizen Science’ is on Citizen Observatories for community based environmental monitoring, and the impact they can have on policy, decision making, and behaviour change.

Her decade of experience in Citizen Science includes leading ECSA’s involvement in the WeObserve and LandSense projects, and as a member of the EU-Citizen.Science project, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. Before this she led the Crowdsourcing initiative for the transcription of digitally-imaged specimen labels within the Digital Collections Programme, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster at the Natural History Museum in London, and the FP7-Infra funded SYNTHESYS3, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster project.

Margaret has an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University in the Netherlands, and an Honours BA in International Relations from the University of Windsor in Canada.

Margaret Gold Twitter: https://twitter.com/MobileMaggie & https://twitter.com/CitSciLab Mastodon: @MobileMaggie@mastodon.social & @CitSciLab@social.cwts.nl