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LIT Breakfast Briefing

Philipp Homar (Institut für Unternehmensrecht) und Katharina Rusch / Melanie Knöbl / Simon Moser (Energieinstitut)

LIT Breakfast Briefing

Die LIT Breakfast Briefings bieten spannende Einblicke in topaktuelle Forschungsprojekte an der JKU und diskutieren diese auch vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher, wirtschaftlicher und technologischer Herausforderungen und prüfen ihre Anwendbarkeit.

Zwei Themen - 45 Minuten.


Over the years, online platforms have been in a center of the European legal development. The European legislator is taking an active approach in regulating online platforms by, for example, requiring these platform to use software-based filtering tools ("upload-filters") to detect and block copyright infringing uploads. Against this backdrop, the filtering tool algorithms increasingly influence decisions as to which uploads are blocked and which are made available on platforms. This presentation analyzes the extent to which online platforms are required to use filtering tools and how to create a balance with the users' conflicting interestsand to avoid over-blocking.

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The Austrian government has set a target to be climate neutral by 2040. Still, most Austrians universities - such as the JKU - are not yet climate neutral, but the potential to reduce its carbon emissions is high, particularly in the energy and mobility sectors. As part of the university's performance agreement, the JKU aims to be CO2 neutral by 2030. The JKU's Energy Institute provides the JKU team with academic and scientific consultation services to help create a roadmap to support change. By organizin and holding workshops and feedback sessions with corresponding stakeholders, we identify specific goals and measures in an effort to become a non-GHG emitting university. The project aims to raise awareness about the university's carbon neutral goals and the steps needed to attain these goals. Would you like to learn more about the JKU's recent progress toward becoming more climate neutral? Our presentation at the LIT will provide information about the entire process and the on-going steps.

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(Das LIT Breakfast Briefing wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.)

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Coffee and Croissants provided! :)


Datum & Uhrzeit


08:30 - 09:30 Uhr

Meinem Kalender hinzufügen


OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, EG


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz