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Fostering Democracy in the Age of AI

In collaboration with the US Embassy and the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Linz Institute of Transformative Change at the Johannes Kepler University is honored to announce a thought-provoking event as part of the U.S.-Austria Citizen Dialogue on Global Challenges.

Flyer zu der Veranstaltung AI x Democracy

Join us for an insightful lecture titled "Fostering Democracy in the Age of AI," featuring our distinguished guest, AI expert, Merve Hickok. Merve Hickok is a leading figure in the realm of AI, focusing on policy, ethics, and governance. As the founder of AIethicist.org and President and Research Director at the Center for AI & Digital Policy (CAIDP), her expertise lies in the social impacts of AI, particularly in areas regrading fundamental rights, democratic values, and social justice.

Hickok is currently a lecturer at the University of Michigan School of Information and serves as a Responsible Data and AI Advisor at the Michigan Institute for Data Science. Her affiliations also include the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Hickok’s global influence extends to educating on AI policy, testifying before the US Congress, and contributing to major AI policy assessments. Her dedication to advancing AI research for underrepresented groups has been recognized with several accolades, including the Lifetime Achievement Award - Women in AI of the Year - 2023.

This event is a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and the community to engage in a critical conversation about the intersection of artificial intelligence and democratic processes. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more from one of the leading voices in AI ethics and policy!

We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of enriching dialogue and discovery.



Datum & Uhrzeit


18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

Meinem Kalender hinzufügen


Zirkus des Wissens


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz


Linz Institute of Transformative Change

Flyer zu der Veranstaltung AI x Democracy