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Pietro Michelucci

The Human Computation Institute (HCI) was founded by Pietro Michelucci in response to research center needs arising during a three-day visioning workshop he led at the Wilson Center, which was attended by Tom Kalil from the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP), federal agency representatives, and distinguished researchers and visionaries.  After spending 10 years developing and executing large-scale, multi-team federal programs, Dr. Michelucci decided to apply that level of R&D pragmatism toward innovation for the betterment of society, focusing primarily on biomedical applications.  HCI led a collaboration with Princeton University, UC Berkeley, and Cornell University to develop novel collective intelligence methods to crowdsource the analysis of biomedical research data that has leveraged the cognitive power of 42,000 online volunteers to accelerate Cornell University’s Alzheimer’s research by a factor of five, resulting in 12.5 million annotations and enabling 50 new machine learning models. 

Pietro Michelucci ©Pietro Michelucci