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Marc Streit

Marc Streit is a tenured Full Professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) in Austria where he leads the Visual Data Science Lab. He finished his PhD at Graz University of Technology in 2011 and moved to Linz later that year. In 2012 he was a Visiting Researcher at the Harvard Medical School. As part of a Fulbright scholarship for research and lecturing, he was a Visiting Professor at the Harvard Paulson School in 2014. Marc also teaches courses at the Imperial College Business School.
His scientific areas of interest include biological data visualization, visual analytics, and explainable machine learning. Together with his team and collaborators, he develops novel visual analysis tools for cancer research, drug discovery, and other application domains. He is a PI or Co-PI in multiple research and industry projects. Marc won multiple best paper and runner-up awards at major conferences in his field. Since 2016 he is CEO and Co-Founder of the JKU spin-off company datavisyn, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Marc Streit ©Marc Streit