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Workshop: Design Science Research

The Digital Transformation of Health Care is in Your Hands: The Value of Design Science Research to Advance Transdisciplinary Projects in the Digital Health Space

Picture of Lauri Wessel

Workshop with Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel

This workshop is about you and helping you excel with your digital health project through learning the basics of the design science research methodology (DSRM). It will help you advance your project because DSRM guides you toward grounding your work in scientific literature, developing prototypes on that basis and evaluating your work in real-life settings. At this stage, a ‘project’ could be anything ranging from a rough idea of what could be improved in the health care domain, over a product you would want to develop or even a more thought through initiative that you are planning (paper, grant proposal, spin-off venture, etc.). In this workshop, we will jointly work on an action plan that you can subsequently use to manage all these projects. I encourage participants to bring their ideas (for example, product, service, or even desirable outcome) to the workshop so that we can use the workshop to form teams and advance your ideas. At the end of the day, you will have understood how DSRM works and will be able to apply it to work in your area of interest.

About Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel

I hold the chair for Information Management and Digital Transformation at European University Viadrina Frank-furt (Oder) since October 2020 where I serve jointly at the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) as well as at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. I am also an associated researcher at the Department of Health Sciences of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Ålesund Campus). My work has been published in core information systems journals such as Journal of the Association for Infor-mation Systems, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Business and Information Systems Engineering as well as organization theory journals like Journal of Business Ethics, Research in the Sociology of Organizations and medicine journals like BMC Geriatrics, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions or Psycho-Oncology.