We are pleased to announce the second central call for applications for the ELLIS PhD Program. The ELLIS PhD Program is a core element of the ELLIS initiative and its goal is to foster and educate the best talent in machine learning and related research areas by pairing outstanding students with leading academic and industrial researchers in Europe.
ELLIS PhD Program: Call for applications
Apply by November 15, 2021, to join the ELLIS PhD Program in 2022 – Details at ellis.eu/phd-postdoc
The ELLIS PhD program, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster is a key element of the ELLIS initiative and its goal is to foster and educate the best talent in machine learning and related research areas by pairing outstanding students with leading academic and industrial researchers in Europe and offering a variety of networking and training activities, including summer schools and workshops. Every PhD student is co-supervised by one ELLIS fellow/scholar, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster/unit faculty and one ELLIS fellow/scholar, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster/member, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster based in different European countries, and conducts an exchange (min. 6 months) with the international advisor during their degree. One of the advisors may also come from industry, in which case the student will instead closely collaborate with the industry partner, and spend min. 6 months conducting research at the industrial lab.
Research areas include (but are not limited to) the following machine learning-driven research fields:
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Machine Learning Theory
- Optimization
- Deep Learning
- Interactive and Online Learning
- Reinforcement Learning and Control
- Computer Vision
- Computer Graphics
- Robotics
- Human Computer Interaction
- Natural Language Processing
- Causality
- Interpretability and Fairness
- Robust and Trustworthy Machine Learning
- Quantum and Physics-based Machine Learning
- Symbolic Machine Learning
- Computational Neuroscience
- Earth and Climate Sciences
- Bioinformatics
- Health
Interested candidates should apply online through the ELLIS application portal.
- Call for applications: ellis.eu/news/ellis-phd-program-call-for-applications-deadline-november-15-2021, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster
- Application deadline: November 15, 2021, 23:59 CET
- Timeline of the selection procedure: review (November/December 2021), interviews (January/February 2022), decisions (late February - March 2022)
ELLIS values diversity and seeks to increase the number of women in areas where they are underrepresented. We therefore explicitly encourage women to apply. We are also committed to recruiting more people living with disabilities and strongly encourage them to apply.