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Linz Institute of Technology
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Thinking cars, subways on computer chips, atoms’ fingerprints – if you want to know, what JKU research is all about, you are cordially invited to join the LIT Lecture Series!


The next three topics are presented on

5 September 2018, Atterntion: starting time 13:00, FESTSAAL JKU

"Towards a Flexible, Scalable, and Transpraent Thin-Film Camera" Oliver Bimber (LIT / Institute of Computer Graphics)
"Sustainable Garment Production? The Impact of Rana Plaza" Elke Schüßler (Institute of Organization Science)
"Enabling In-Silico Toxicogenetics Testing with Deep Learning" Günter Klambauer (LIT / Institute of Bioinformatics)
Coffee & cakes provided. Please register latest by 3 September 2018

If you are interested you can register youself here: www.jku.at/vas, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster



Datum & Uhrzeit


13:00 - Uhr

Meinem Kalender hinzufügen


Festsaal, UNI-Center, 1. Stock


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

