DATE: Wednesday, September 8
TIME: 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
On-site check-in for the workshops begins at 8:30 AM at the Open Innovation Center, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster Info Desk.
The three workshops will take place simultaneously on September 8. The workshops have been designed to inspire educators and provide inspiration for the classroom by interactively exploring innovative educational methods, new perspectives, and applied approaches.
The workshops are open to everyone.
The main target group is academic faculty members.
Space in the workshops is limited and we kindly ask that you register in advance by no later than September 6, 2021.
Workshop # 1:
I Am Serious, Let’s Play! How to Teach Future Skills and Learn in the 21st century.
This workshop explores best practices from an interdisciplinary university course and includes insight resulting from innovative improvisation and creativity research. As we address the challenges of the 21st century, we need students and educators in all fields to acquire certain skills that include an open mindset, the ability to think critically, how to act responsibly, how to find sustainable solutions, how to re-think problems, how to think “outside-of-the-box”, be more engaging, how to share ideas and information, and be both empathic and independent. This workshop aims to inspire participants, provide space to explore new ideas, and give you hands-on methods to support your own classes (and learning) in an energetic, light-hearted manner.
Workshop # 1
JKU Campus
Hochschulfond Building
Room HF 9901
Workshop Leader
Gloria Maria Bottaro will hold the workshop and will be assisted by Armin Schönberg.
German / English,
depending on the participants
Gloria Maria Bottaro
University of Vienna (AT)
Gloria M. Bottaro is PhD candidate (communication sciences), prae doc at the Cognitive Science Hub Vienna and member of the OCKO research group. She teaches innovation in EC “Knowledge Creation” , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fensterat the Institute of Philosophy. Her research focuses on radical constructivism and innovation, with a special focus on emotions and group dynamics. She also teaches at the International Business School, University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein, and is co-founder of the business and innovation center, GIZ-mo, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.
Workshop # 2:
Art and Research-Led Teaching. A Workshop on Artistic Research and Education for Everyone
This workshop focuses on innovative didactic formats, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary bridging, new technological tools, employability, as well as qualification profiles for professions that do not yet exist. As part of two fairly large thematic block sessions, this workshop will explore what kind of artistic research can contribute to better understanding the topic and creating courses. Can research-led education supplemented by an almost infinite repertoire of artistic work methods help us to rethink prerequisites? Perhaps it would be better to talk about artistic research-led education to lay the groundwork and help new things become possible?
Workshop # 2
JKU Campus
Hochschulfond Building
Room HF 9904
Workshop Leader
Alexander Damianisch & Team
German / English,
depending on the participants
Alexander Damianisch & Team
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Together with team members from the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Alexander Damianisch will use examples in the fields of art and research to work with participants and explore possibilities as to how assumptions can change for the better as well as be changed and become more accepted. The goal is to change the future before it is too late.
Workshop # 3:
Einführung in die Entwicklung agiler, kompetenzorientierter Lerndesigns
In diesem selbstgesteuerten Online-Kurs werden Sie in die Grundlagen der Entwicklung agiler, kompetenzorientierter Lerndesigns eingeführt. Mit Hilfe eines interaktiven Skriptums und verschiedener Aufgaben mit formativem Feedback, die im interaktiven Skriptum angeregt werden, können Sie Ihr Verständnis prüfen und sich mit KollegInnen austauschen. Im Online-Kurs reflektieren Sie, inwieweit die agile, kompetenzorientierte Lerndesignentwicklung in Ihrer Lehre (bewusst oder unbewusst) bereits Anwendung findet und welche Teile des Ansatzes für Ihren Lehrkontext geeignet sind. Sie diskutieren mit KollegInnen Lernergebnisse im Spannungsfeld zwischen „Plandidaktik“ und agiler Planung und bekommen die Chance, Lernergebnisse kriteriengeleitet zu formulieren, die eine echte didaktische Funktion im Lerndesign einnehmen und nicht nur lästiges „Muss“ für den Syllabus sind. Dabei lernen Sie, Lernergebnisse als „Enabler“ für Ihr kompetenzorientiertes Lerndesign zu nutzen.
Workshop # 3
Workshop Leader
Isabell Grundschober (Host und Kursdesign)
Stephanie Nestawal (Co-Host)
Isabell Grundschober
Donau-Universität Krems
Isabell Grundschober, Forschende im Gebiet „Instructional Design“ und allgemeine Didaktik für post-digitale Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung, stv. Leiterin des Zentrums für angewandte Forschung und Innovation für lebensbegleitendes Lernen an der Donau-Universität Krems
Stephanie Nestawal
Donau-Universität Krems (AT)
Stephanie Nestawal, Expertin in Curriculumdesign und Work-Based Learning im akademischen Kontext und Leiterin des Zentrums für angewandte Forschung und Innovation für lebensbegleitendes Lernen an der Donau-Universität Krems