Prof. Stefan Rass und Karin Fazeni-Fraisl

Die neuen LIT Breakfast Briefing bieten nicht nur spannende Einblicke in topaktuelle Forschungen, die aktuell an der JKU bearbeitet werden, sondern sie diskutieren diese auch vor dem Hintergrund aktueller gesellschaftlicher, wirtschaftlicher und technologischer Herausforderungen und prüfen ihre Anwendbarkeit.
Zwei Themen - 30 Minuten.
Und der Morgenkaffee ist inkludiert!
Datum: 07. Dezember 2021, 08.30-09.00 Uhr
Ort: Online via Zoom.
- Stefan Rass (Secure Systems)
Titel: Security as a Game
Abstract: Security is an endless battle of wits, with competingly creative minds pondering about defenses and how to break them. Mathematical game theory deals with non-cooperative situations, such as we naturally find everywhere in the security area. This talk is a teaser on how data protection is expressible as a mathematical game, and why cryptography is necessary, but not sufficient, to protect us. We cannot achieve the absence of attacks, but we can play games to avoid becoming easy victims. The connection of game theory and security can be mutually inspiring, since as much as game theory can help with security, security in turn delivers new challenges and questions for game- and decision theory. The combination of the two is a powerful tool to combat contemporary cyber-attacks.
- Karin Fazeni-Fraisl (Energieinstitut)
Titel: Development of innovative value chain approaches for optimum utilization of synergies between plastics recycling and the energy system
Abstract: Changing political requirements pose new challenges for the waste management and recycling of plastic wastes. These wastes indeed are a valuable resource for both material and energetic use, whereby an expansion of material use may possibly affect its use as an energy source in the long term. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the impact on the energy system when making system changes in plastics recycling as this is currently pursued in terms of significantly increased recycling targets. This is where SynERecy comes in, by analyzing existing and potential future sources and sinks of plastic wastes in Upper Austria and identifying emerging trade-offs between waste management, material recycling, and the energy system. In order to avoid target conflicts, SynERecy develops scenarios for the future design of the value chains of plastics recycling and evaluates them with regard to their impact on carbon footprint, energy and resource efficiency, and economic viability. An investigation into the regional plastic waste flows within Upper Austria is at the core of this research project.
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