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Institute of Organic Chemistry
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Guests @ JKU

Talks & Events in Cooperation with GÖCH


Dr. Johann HLINA

(TU Graz)

"Mono- and Dinuclear Complexes of Rare-Earth Metals: From Fundamental Chemistry to Catalytic Applications"

11.03.2025, 17:15, HS 8


Prof. Martin ALBRECHT

(University of Bern)


25.03.2025, 17:15, HS 8


Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sandra SCHLÖGL

(Montanuniversität Leoben)


20.05.2025, 17:15, HS 8


Prof. Bas de BRUIN

(University of Amsterdam)


03.06.2025, 17:15, tba


Dr. Aurélien DE LA TORRE

(Université Paris Saclay)

"Designing cycloadditions to enable total synthesis"

04.06.2025, tba



24.06.2025, 17:15