The TN Tower and the Somnium.

Gebäudeansicht TNF-Turm und Somnium

Campus Location

The TNF Tower is the tallest building on campus, located between the Kopfgebäude Building and the "Technikum" technical center. The Somnium was completed in May 2019 and serves as an observation deck atop the TN Tower. There is also an event and seminar room. The construction included approximately 130 tons of steel. The addition of climbing plants gives the Somnium a green outer feature that brings science together with Mother Nature.


Overview of Rooms

Lecture Hall Room Number Capacity
Lecture Hall 11 (HS 11)         T 005 40
Lecture Hall 12 (HS 12) T 006 58
Lecture Hall 13 (HS 13) T 007 58
Lecture Hall 14 (HS 14) T 008 40


Seminar Room Room Number Capacity
Seminar Rm. T 405 T 405 64
Seminar Rm. T 911 T 911 32
Seminar Rm. T 406 T 406 24
Seminar Rm.T 406/1 T 406/1 18


Overview of Services

Overview of Institutes

The Somnium

Rendering Somnium

The TN Tower (Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences) is the tallest building on campus. By heightening the TN Tower and adding the "Somnium" platform, the Johannes Kepler University will have an attractive, widely visible landmark offering a spectacular bird’s eye view.  Named after a narrative by Johannes Kepler about a journey to the moon, the "Somnium" platform will be an open steel grate construction featuring plants and a floating platform with a sun sail. The space will serve as a viewing platform and a think-tank space.

The Somnium has been publicly accessible since June 5, 2019. If you are booking in advance for an event, you can schedule a viewing time outside of these hours.
So: Up you go!

The Somnium


Monday-Friday: 8.00 AM - 7:00 PM

On account of seasonal weather, the Somnium will close to visitors at the beginning of November and will re-open at the end of March.

Plan Erhöhung TNF-Turm