Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (referiert)
How do workers gain voice on digital work platforms? Hotspots and blind spots in research on platform worker voice
Thäter L., Gegenhuber T., Schüßler E., Ellmer M.: How do workers gain voice on digital work platforms? Hotspots and blind spots in research on platform worker voice, in Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Paula K. Mowbray, Sarah Brooks: Missing Voice? Worker Voice and Social Dialogue in the Platform Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Seite(n) 71-107, 2022
title = {How do workers gain voice on digital work platforms? Hotspots and blind spots in research on platform worker voice},
type = {PAPREFCOLL},
author = {Thäter, Laura and Gegenhuber, Thomas and Schüßler, Elke and Ellmer, Markus},
language = {EN},
booktitle = {Missing Voice? Worker Voice and Social Dialogue in the Platform Economy},
publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing},
address = {Cheltenham},
isbn = {9781839105531},
editor = {Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Paula K. Mowbray, Sarah Brooks},
pages = {71-107},
year = {2022},
Titel: How do workers gain voice on digital work platforms? Hotspots and blind spots in research on platform worker voice
Buchtitel: Missing Voice? Worker Voice and Social Dialogue in the Platform Economy
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Seitenreferenz: 71-107
Anzahl Seiten: 238
VeröffentlicherIn: Edward Elgar Publishing
Reichweite: International
HerausgeberInnen: Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Paula K. Mowbray, Sarah Brooks
ISBN: 9781839105531
Beteiligte Personen
AutorInnen / HerausgeberInnen: MSc Laura Thäter, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Gegenhuber, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler, BSc Markus Ellmer
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